
Showing posts from 2021

What's God got to Do with It?

 Dear Vicky, Did you ever, during this ravaging plague called COVID Delta etc, contemplate the likely possibility that THERE IS NO GOD?    I am so sorry for your loss in the town named after Ira and Ann Yates not too far from Fort Stockton and Monahans Texas.  No disrespect to your faith in God Miss Zapata, but why would you pray to a God on Facebook who let the plague happen to begin with?  Do you think Iraan is being punished just like the people in the Old Testament who had been sinful? Why would you worship a "higher power" who would let this happen in the first place? Your governor is to blame by not enforcing masking and social distancing. The 1200 citizens of your oil field town are equally at fault for ignoring the Corona Virus prevention protocol. So after all their negligence, you still want God to bail you out?

Titanic Analogy Limps with Respect to US Responsibility to save the world

 A higher up with WHO(not Canadian Rock group,  World Health Organization) is hanging his hat on a LAME ANALOGY.   He compares United States vaccine lack of generosity with steerage section of the Titanic which did not get any life preservers after ship struck iceberg.  For those not maritime inclined, the steerage section is group of poorer passengers including some workers and cheap ticket holders.  Leo DeCaprio won his ticket in a poker hand before his steamy banging Kate Winslet handprint on Windshield scene. Read Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana for more familiarity with ship life and vernacular.  Dr. Michael Ryan should stick to being damn doctor rathe than a moralizing first class versus steerage class kind of guy! Let's see Doc, the US did the R&D, absorbed the massive costs of production and distribution AND we are the bad guys!! Who gives a crap what your political views are when you are probably first in line for the booster jab...

The notion of forgiveness as it relates to Liberal Mindset

 Was reading the often repeated quote "forgiveness is just another name for freedom" trying to credit the quote to some guy whose name I am not recalling at the moment.  All I could think of was how could you forgive the RADICAL LEFT in the United States? Those weak minded bleeding hearts believe nonsense like: Mankind has changed the climate irreparably Won't acknowledge possibility election was rigged to elect a guy who should be in a nursing home  Rodney King is martyr when he was really a convicted felon who spent 3 years incarcerated and was frequently in trouble with the law. Defund police which would last as long as it would take for one of the daughters to get gang-raped in broad daylight  And all the stuff Clive Palmer says about numskulls down under.  So, NO I don't forgive liberal minded folks in the Biblical sense or in the way Byron Katie intended since conservative minds constantly have to deal with Karens and other messes created by their mindless...

Be careful with dem Bumper Stickers

 Not ashamed to admit going all the way back to my Roswell High days, that I was quite the Subway Sandwich man. Always thought Taco Bell, MacDonalds were bad for your health. That is why I believe Dions out of Albuquerque has been a God Send. All 230 churches in Alien City should include an honorable mention in their Wednesday and Sunday Sermons. So we got stuck behind this NYC Empire State Yankee while waiting in line at Dions. No problema!  It is a free country and even Kamala Harris Lovers are allowed down South, but just look at this Yankee's bumper stickers which include Malcom X's infamous "by any means necessary" and Maybe George Orwell got the year wrong. WTF does that mean? Is this guy trying to start a race war in his Subaru Outback license plate JFE 2675?  We could not see if the driver was a Black Man. I work with some African Americans in the school district and have a lot of respect for them because they know their place. We even have some of them over f...

You Should not fear CSAM if you are not a pervert.

 So let's get "What does CSAM stand for" out of the way before the rant goes full force. CSAM is an acronym for C hild Se xual A buse M aterial. It is a program that will scan your IPhone pictures while they are being uploaded to ICloud.  One concern of   LGBTQ parents is that Jerry Falwell type of conservative Christians consider that segment of the population to be deviant, perverted, exploitative and will be summarily flagged by CSAM filtering.  These type of "Christians" actually believe you can pray away what they perceive to be evil sexual acts.  They would welcome CSAM except that some Baptist preachers have been caught sodomizing women prostitutes which would obviously detected by CSAM software.  Thanks to  Michael Bussee for having the guts to realize being God fearing Christian does NOT a man cannot find another man attractive.

High Number of Roswell NM leaders experienced Traumatic Puberties?

 When our family first moved to Roswell New Mexico, we were sooo happy to be breathing clean air, but I guess anyplace has clean air compared to Los Angeles.  We knew within the first two weeks, the place was full of narrow minded red necks who voted for Fascist Trump, but the people were friendly if you could just avoid politics and religion at Sam's Club and Farmer's Market.  We just loved some of the devoted middle school teachers even the ones that were imprisoned at Mesa. We thought of the classrooms as generally safe until recently when speakers at the school board meeting got out of hand intimidating everybody but the Mexican guy with balls of steel. That man does have cojones I would not mind milking.  This backwards town actually somehow has so far legally gotten away with ignoring government COVID health mandates. I have never been around so many ignorant people in my life who do not mind threatening the lives of elementary school students and the whole tow...

You can't fix Stupid, but you can ignore it

 I estimate the average IQ of Chaves County in New Mexico might be almost 90. The fact that the county was three to one in favor of Trump in general election is proof of that. Newspaper man Juno Ogle provided us with more proof in the picture below featuring Stacy Wolkwitz. She threatened to have all RISD board members fired if they chose to continue enforcing the COVID masking requirement in school. Just like the dictator she voted for, Stacy wants to impeach the fairly elected members of the school board. The Spring River Luxury Apartment bankrupted many of the slumlords. Could not have happened to a nicer group of people!! If you follow the money, she is a landlord or property manager who may be getting wiped out financially. Not exactly someone who has the overall health of the city as a goal. Wolkwitz sounds like a German or Slavic name and may be one of the many slum lords who infest Roswell.  The only sensible member of the School Board is James Edwards who is not too f...

Meaning of BCBS claim status "not paid"

  Does anybody know what  "bcbs status" "not paid" means?  We logged into the Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas Claims center to see if we had been paid for an international claim.  Under the Claim Detail Section along with our Group Number and ID number, we got what appears to be some bad news rejecting the claim. However when we reviewed the FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) "not paid" means something more like "in progress" or processing.  Has anybody else had a similar experience they could share?  We spent almost $2500 out of pocket in Thailand for stress test, chest xrays, eye, ear exams, prostate antigen screening test, bloodwork and a value added consultation with a cardiologist. We heard that BCBS is great about honoring medical care claims in foreign countries!!  Fingers Crossed  BTW $2500 out of pocket in Bangkok must less expensive than the train wreck called health care in United States of America.

Remove Florida's Governor

 I wonder if the Cuban born business owner in Florida was a proud supporter of their head case governor who has repeatedly downplayed the effectiveness of Moderna's COVID vaccine until it was too late to save the very citizenry who elected the fool!  Frank Saks spent 65 hours a week at work probably exposing himself to the multitudes one too many times. One of his daughters indicated on radio that Dad was not vaccine hesitant but had heard of potential nasty side effect which deterred his decision to get the vaccine which would have given him many more years to be with his grandchildren. The side effect could not have been worse than his isolated death where his loved ones could not hold his hand.  Shame on Ron DeSantis for misleading Floridians!!

Michigan "neighbor" who reported law abiding Black customers should be publicly outed

 A neighbor(likely a middle aged Trump supporting White Man) mistakenly called authorities in Wyoming, Michigan, stating that a black man arrested at a residence a week earlier had returned to the residence.  The truth of the matter was it was a law abiding African American and his son being shown a house by a black real estate agent. I want to KNOW THE NAME of the "neighbor" who abused 911 and emergency resources in the great state of Michigan!! Frivolous/Malicious use of law enforcement is punishable by fine and/or incarceration.  Thank you Aya Elamroussi and I bet realtor Eric Brown knows the name of the trouble making White man who is looking a race based lawsuit square in the eyes!!!! I get that any homeowner has the right to guard their property, but this is wrong and the racist phone calling informant needs to see his name on national news.

Unintentional Microaggression

 I am new to this so there may be something in the definition of the term Microaggression indicating most are not intended.  I was strolling down the hall of my former employer passing by a new hire who happened to be Black. She had sort of a deer in headlight look in her eyes and I wanted to make her feel welcome. I asked our new accounts payable specialist who she like in the NBA finals. Her reaction caught me off guard as she seemed surprised and miffed choosing not to respond. She was not rude. I have not seen her since but do wonder if this counts as a microaggression according to racial specialist Spanierman. I did feel faintly guilty even though I am not certain that the new employee was even upset at my query or just overwhelmed on the first day of her new job. I do understand she might have thought something like "do you really believe basketball it the only topic I can comment on intelligently?" I will defend the White Race by stating how sad it is that we can be br...

Bullying Blues debilitating Depression

 The southeast Asian columnist downplayed the deleterious effect of bullying in school dismissing it as a natural riot of passage that will help so-called victims of bullying stand up and fight for themselves rather than cowering or seeking safe spaces or crying to their parents. I would ask this writer who also was bullied in school to understand the feeling of the parents and siblings of Sadie L. Riggs who hung herself in Bedford, Pennsylvania. Also ask Pastor Wayne Mcgruder  how difficult it is to officiate a funeral for one so young who thought there was no way out of melancholic dark abyss.  Antonio Contreras through his intelligence, verbal skills, overall adaptability and parents who were talented educators transformed being bullied into a storied career as a writer and motivational speaker, BUT Sadie's family was was much more splintered than the typical Pinoy Family. 

Picture Taking and Privacy Abroad

  Forgive my confusion, but I believe this picture was taken in Ho Chi Minh City in Viet Nam. Our family business takes us all over the world and we had just been released from a government chosen quarantine Hotel. We were so relieved to be out of the depressing situation of being stuck in a small space for 14 days that we were out snapping photos and enjoying life! We happened to catch this driver of a Weathertech Refrigeration & Airconditioning Company truck, who seem mildly upset that we captured him in smart phone picture image. You can seem him pointing or waving in our direction.(Not with his middle finger at least!)  We certainly meant no offense to the locals. Will travel to Japan, Korea, Australia, and the Philippines before traveling back to Canada. Will probably write book on the different COVID restrictions and inconveniences, but still had a good enjoyable time overall.

Coping with the Trebek Void

 The game show host was quite fond of the term ensconce(Establish or settle someone or something in a comfortable, safe, or secret place) to describe a Jeopardy contestant who had a commanding lead.  For example, Ken Jennings who characterized Alex Trebek as tepidly stern, was ensconced in first place going into Final Jeopardy probably around 50 times in his fabled career as a contestant and briefly as a host on the best game show in television history. Alex was the best, but had a few flaws. The biggest flaw was costing the players precious time by adding his commentary after each answer or reminding them there was a minute remaining consuming around 7 seconds of that remaining minute. The first contestant I noticed to aggressively cut off Alex was Arthur Chu. I only mean aggressive in the sense Chu would not let Alex complete his sentence with respect to updates on dollar amounts or adding additional unnecessary commentary to last answer. Alex was great about shutting up in ...

God, What God?

 The family had been pushed to the edge of the grief precipice and had actually contemplated a FAMILY SUICIDE. Their system of beliefs which presupposed the conviction, there is a loving and caring God, was pushed to its very limit! The money they made from a Netflix special TV piece  may have helped some. How could a benevolent God allow their son to have been viciously slaughtered in Forestall and Dauphine area of Cajun City where Drew Brees has magnanimously given his time and money to many hardship cases? Their son's murder was connected to the horrible Opioid addiction crisis that has paralyzed many small and large towns alike in the USA.  The simplest answer is THERE IS NO GOD in the Adam and Eve, Noah's ark, burning bushes, a man being dead for three days and all the other nonsense the Old Testament would have you believe.  I wonder if Dan Schneider ever came to that realization?

The Perils of trusting authorities with regard to reopening the country

 The 35 year old American from Provincetown, Massachusetts sounded a lot more intelligent than his self-absorbed me first peers. He admitted publicly that he thought being vaccinated meant that you could go back to the normal lifestyle of partying in the no means yes and yes means anal cavorting lifestyle he was accustomed to. You can hardly blame Travis Dagenais for catching COVID after being fully vaccinated since he was in compliance with the Yankee mentality which saw fit to COMPLETELY RELAX ALL RESTRICTIONS so the youngsters could get laid Memorial Day weekend.  As intelligent as Mr Dagenais is, he still claimed the dominant public information from the government is that being vaccinated is equivalent to a return to normalcy which means to fuck like rabbits for that age group. Travis wanted things to be normal so he pretended they were despite ER scenes of terrified people gasping for air awaiting their last breath!   Others from the Boston area were more cauti...

Newspaper Columnist abusing the word RACISM

 American Emergency Room doctor Alex Busko politely listed dumb young Americans whose self-absorbed egos could NOT BELIEVE they had contracted life threatening COVID. NO Dr Busko did not name the fools but his frustration level was evident.  You guessed it, none of them were vaccinated. None of them heeded the urgent health risk warnings and now their self induced illness is costing their families tons of money to keep their ignorant kids alive at the expense of the people who were unselfish enough to get get vaccinated.  Dr Busko needs to counsel with a southeast Asia writer who equates Duterte's strict policy to RACISM . The fool even  compared it to the Rosa Parks story!!! The chief executive of the famous Ali-Frazier archipelago ordered a "circuit breaker" lockdown and also mandated that those who choose not to vaccinate stay at home.  The writer should lose any journalistic accolades, awards, or certifications he has earned for DISTORTING the meaning...

Should Global Health Equality Even be a THING?

 It is well known that there are weaker and stronger creatures in the Animal Kingdom. The weaker ones frequently die at a younger age than the stronger organisms. Us humans are no different where wealth is often a measure of  strength which, in turn, gives people with more money access to more and better healthcare.  So notions like health sovereignty and health equity are unachievable, Quixotic notions unless we choose to uninvent MONEY. In fact, there is so such thing as equitable access to health care. So Shubha Nageshand and Jonatan Konfino, while well intentioned, have their heads buried in the sand. 

Question a Credit Card you can use to pay your rent

 I do hope folks who have lived in "their own home"(The bank/lender owns "your home" until you have made the last mortgage payment)  for over 5 years saw through the ruse being spread around by the 31 year old man who attended Wharton School in Pennsylvania(He did not mention whether he had graduated so we can assume he probably didn't)  Ankur Jain stops short of saying that renting a dwelling is stupid while peddling a credit card that will give you cash back and rewards on most people's largest expense which is their rent.  Mr Jain does not mention the enormous cost of property tax, homeowner's insurance, HOA costs and the inevitable repairs and maintenance that can transform the American Dream into the American Nightmare! Ankur is fatuous enough to conclude that paying a landlord is the same thing at "throwing away your money".   Any discerning reader should be able to see falsehoods are being disseminated to benefit Jain and NOT to help tho...

Lockdown Or "Ordered Social Isolation"

 The USA as a nation and statewide has had to grapple with the problem of opening the economy and preventing the spread of the Delta variant. So whether you call it a lockdown or "ordered social isolation" as they do in Viet Nam, business owners like Nguyen Thi My Dung are completely facing financial ruin if governments impose overly restrictive COVID protocol on their citizens!!  Strict policy is necessary in many parts of the United States to overcome the stupidity of the narrow minded red necks in Arkansas, Missouri, southeastern New Mexico. Ho Chi Minh City experienced a horrible virus breakout when they relaxed their policy. I really miss the days when you could just hop on your motorcycle or bike without having to check the news!!!

Obnoxious HS students ruin Vacation plans.

 The Boston Massachusetts United States of America High School Teen Ager you see in the pixelated picture below, was belligerently disruptive during an American Airlines flight. He and 45 other Winthrop graduates defiantly defied COVID protocol  refusing to mask and physically distance stressing out airline attendants and law abiding passengers who were denied their right to travel to vacation hot spot in Bahamas.  The chaperone hired by the parents of the spoiled brats failed to control the unruly, clamorous, standoffish and aggressively disrespectful immature, "don't give a damn about anybody but myself young adults".   The Daily Mail article by Emily Crane called for readers to email with the names of any of the loutish punks who caused the cancellation of flight 893 from Charlotte, North Carolina!! Some of the blame falls on the parents of the disruptors who organized the flight against the wishes of Winthrop High School Admins!!!!  Supe...

College Student Beggars

 A broke college student from Maine named Patrick Buckley(or so he claims) was begging for money via venmo at Colter Bay resort area in Wyoming. Patrick Buckley was driving a high end Toyota Highlander SUV and apparently had NOT budgeted enough money for his cross country road trip.  The broke and irresponsible young adult wrote his venmo user name @pats.trippin twice in shoe polish on his vehicle rear window.  I will remember his name and do a search on the Maine license plate 2826GY(Central Maine Motors Auto Group, Waterville ME). As an HR director, I would never hire Patrick Buckley if the that is his real name. We even knocked on the door of vehicle to give you cash son. You would not open door apparently expecting us to just wire you the money!!!! I hope your parents find this in time  to save you from a life of misery you arrogant little pauper! Fordham resident Pat Buckley shamed himself permanently. He has handsome face as evidenced by the above Instagram Po...

Homeowner's Tree dangerously Blocking Stop Sign

 As I far as I know code enforcement has contacted the female you see in the picture below regarding a huge front yard tree that is blocking a stop sign at a busy four way intersection.  She would be in violation of laws dealing with obstructing traffic signs in any other city. She resides at 113 West Deming Zip code 88203 in Roswell New Mexico. You can see how dangerous her uncut and untrimmed huge tree is at the corner of South Richardson and Deming in the picture below. I am sure she has received a lot of stimulus money as well as unemployment payments from Uncle Sam so I know she has the cash to cover the costs of cutting the hazardous tree down to size!! I worked for code enforcement in Midland Texas and they would have warned this homeowner once and the then fined her for neglect and threatening the general welfare of the public. I was going to apply for job in Roswell, but will find another place to live if the city has people who care so little for their fellow citizen...

What did the phrase "disassociated COP" mean in this TV Commercial?

 Something about the pot bellied business owner made me wonder if he could really be  relied upon to provide security that was any better than just calling 911 for a regular police officer. Aaron T. Jones had just criticized Cops for being disassociated and not being as up to the task as his security guards at International Protective Service(IPS) Was Jones trying to say that BLM and our extremely liberal president take the gun out of police officer's holsters?  Also, how did International become part of his company's name when he is based in Albuquerque and ostensibly provides his services to only New Mexicans. He states that he provided body guard services for high profile movie stars and dignitaries from other countries. So why did he move from Los Angeles where the business seemed fairly lucrative. Also why would an ex police officer use the more derisive and condescending term COP in an underperforming less than adequate fashion??? Is the dude turning his back on for...

So many formerly principled people selling out to YouTube

 Do you all remember when UTube was sort of novel and fascinating? The good ole days when a poor couple, living off of government assistance could video their Baby farting, which would in turn generate a lot of page views at YouTube.  ' Viewers would flag it a a favorite and ghetto Mom and Dad would earn enough ad revenue to move out of the housing projects monetizing Junior's Flatulence.  Was reminded of times past after reading following Tweet: Michelle Joy Phelps @MichellePhelps ·Aug 1, 2019 Hey Fight Fans! I’m in this weeks issue of  @BoxingNewsED on stands today!  The big difference between Baby Boy cutely passing gas and Phelps is she begs you to subscribe to her channel when she interviews boxing legends like Marvelous Marvin Hagler about the way he got hit by bottles after he CRUSHED the ignorant racist Brit who  guaranteed he would not lose to a Negro. She is not the only one. A mathematician named Michael Penn did a back flip before working a chal...

Snuff: Worse than cigarettes?

  There has been a great deal written about parents who encroach on public land for the purpose of memorializing a child who has died in an automobile or motorcycle crash. In fact, roadside memorials are illegal in most states including New Mexico USA.  Chris Raymond writes authoritatively on the subject indicating that he understands the needs of the grieving family members to favorably remember a kid who died due to careless drunk driving possibly killing others whose families sometimes demand damages for vehicular homicide cause of death. The family of Dakota M. Moore used solar-powered lights to illuminate a White Cross for viewing by passing motorist on Highway 70 between Ruidoso and Roswell. We observed a vehicle swerving in front of us, on our way back to Midland Texas, distracted by the light that the Moore family erected on public land. I have also heard that welders use smokeless tobacco more than the general population. The righteous perish,     and n...

Tricky terms/language for this Balance Transfer Credit Card

 I am very confused about the Capitol One Quicksilver 18 month 0% APR Balance Transfer offer. The exact language/terms of the Credit Card Balance transfer is as  follows: 0% for 18 months beginning with the first transfer associated with this offer. After that, you will be charged the APR for Purchases, currently 17.99% variable. Does this mean that any charge/purchase on the 1.5% cash back credit card will incur 17.99% APR immediately OR after 18 months!!!!!???!  Until I get a clear answer from a Capitol One Quicksilver customer service representative, that shiny care will collect dust or get cut up.  Any reviews or commentary would be welcome. 

Don't be fooled by a Third Party trying to "help you" collect your stimulus money.

 All, I have legitimate contact information for a scamster who uses the name "beverly shahir" to fraudulently help homeowners, immigrants, and Visa students collect their stimulus money from the United States government.  Most US citizens already know that no third party is required for you to receive your stimulus money that our beloved new President has promised to deliver immediately. Nobody doubts that since Biden is one of the few high level politicians to have never told a lie.  Please UNDERSTAND I am not saying somebody named Beverly Shahir is guilty of anything, only that a crook and ripoff criminal, using her name, is trying steal your precious stimulus check or debit card or direct deposit. Please let me know if you would want to be party to a class action suit, because I have physical address of the person perpetrating this fraud.  Also read Shelby Brown's exemplary efforts trying to protect honest Americans from this type of collusion.

Beggars have no expectation of Privacy

  The beggars sign, blocking his face, read "IN NEED, PLEASE HELP, GOD BLESS. I approached the able bodied pauper so I could take his picture. He immediately blocked his face with his driveling sign yelling obscenities and screaming I was stalking him when he was actually blocking us from passing thru with his baggage on a public sidewalk at the entrance to Sam's Club and Walmart in Roswell New Mexico United States of America. The hobo/beggar/bum/professional beggar was well aware of his rights. I am sure he has accused others, who question his money collecting attempts, of stalking him. I do have a close up of his face if any of your Chaves county natives may know whether this guy is really in need or is just too lazy to work.  We also saw him begging for handouts near the OReilly Auto Parts store you see in the background of the picture and at the Subway further South on Main Street US285 near Subway Sandwiches and also Dions. Indian writer  Rina Chandran writes ab...

Medical Hair Loss Professional sells out on National TV

 Garth Brooks was harshly denounced by his "conservative friends" for unloving Trump because he performed at the Biden Presidential inauguration. The country western super star had some type of procedure performed to make his hair look thicker. A guy who Inside Edition identified as a Doctor sold out his profession by describing a hair restoration operation Garth had paid for to look his best at the Gala Trump discharging event. When I researched the unprincipled "doctor of medicine" Mark Dower, all I could find was that he is an Application Development and Support Analyst in the Lehigh Valley Health Network. His blurb was on the well known Hair Loss Web Page of Apollo. I could not find anything to support his credentials as a competent doctor graduating from a reputable medical school.  I suspect nurse practitioner Afaf Khoury has vastly more medical acumen than the clown who verified that Brooks had a hair restoration surgery/procedure. What happened to the good o...

Firing weapon on your high acreage personal property not always OK

 Nothing but respect for husband who stood up for his wife for her negligent discharge of weapon someplace in the New Hampshire country side. The Ranger officers guys had overwhelming evidence that her incautious firing of high velocity bullets could have hit passing pedestrians or motorists. When informed of the evidence the husband, who either owns or is employed by Trickett Woodworks - Commercial and Residential Mill Work, swallowed hard and accepted the citation and fine for his wife's mistake!  He was initially irritated to pissed off at the forest rangers line of questioning, but like a decent man owned up to his spouses carelessness. 

Let them Play EQUALS Let them Spread DEATH

Football coach Ron Gladnick stated he felt the shutdown of sports has done more mental health damage than good, so he would prefer letting the kids return to gridiron to bang against each other, breathe heavy on each other, and hug each other after a touchdown.  Ron needs to learn that the idiotic rally cry of "let them play" really means "let them wantonly transmit the Corona Virus" so the ill informed players will go home and spread it to their siblings, Moms and Dads. What's even more pathetic is the San Diego County Supervisor seems to think only the elderly and the infirmed catch COVID19. Did Jim Desmond get elected? If not, whoever hired the fool needs to be held accountable!!! Californians had the choice early on to make good decisions to slow down the pandemic. They made poor decisions. NOW THEY HAVE TO LIVE WITH IT!!!!

BDM Black Decisions Matter

 BLM or Black Lives Matter has increased the divide between the races. Now BDM or B lack D ecisions Ma tter his surfaced to a distressing level in the National Football league in the United States of America. Rashard Higgins recently made an unacceptably poor decision to extend the football across the goal line after making a catch that would have given the Cleveland Browns a first and goal at the one yard line in an NFL playoff game. Cowboy fans, all too miserably, remember arrogant individual and non team player Dez Bryant costing the team a win against the Green Bay Packers when the undisciplined African American took another unnecessary risk and FUMBLED the football at the goal line.  When is it gonna stop team owners and coaches? When will somebody have the balls to cut the next idiot that places their individual goals above the teams. These type of unforgivable playoff eliminating mistakes must suffer harsh consequences.  Cut people like #82 for the Browns. Let him ...

The When will Stimulus be here BUZZ

 Hard to make any sense out of the multitude of inept and ill-informed "when will get the next stimulus payment?" writers parading around like they actually know. CNN financial expert Tami Luhby seemed to be the most knowledgeable at accurately reporting the various contingencies that had to take place prior to CARES checks landing in your mailbox or direct deposit bank account.  However Luhby just wrote that it could be mid March before Americans receive stimulus check number three, when most of the other reportage says direct deposits of payment number three could easily occur in late January or early February 2021.   Difficult to know who to believe. Some of us may be forced to take out title or payday loans at exorbitant and unfair interest rates while lawmakers are twiddling their thumbs! 

If you can't afford the Rent, skdaddle

 There is no doubt Nicodemus Miller voted for Joe Biden. Nick exploited the COVID "do not have to pay rent laws" not paying his $4500 monthly rental for almost two years. Nicky is a spoiled NYC guy with no sense of personal responsibility, ethics, or accountability. Either Nicky boy or his friend called the home owner's wife a Whore on national TV when home owner asked why they were throwing expensive parties and ordering multiple high end Flat Screen TVs. There were some unsubstantiated reports of late orgies and primal screams of ecstasy or pain The home owners of 440 Philip Ave in Staten Island shockingly do not appear to have many legal remedies  including filing eviction notices to this scum of the earth lowlife squatter.  The beautiful justice here is that Mr Miller will become well known due to his unique name and the fact that future employers or anybody in the world will know that he is an immoral scofflaw who will have this in him public record until h...

Dirty-Dirty 230-230

 The Naval Academy Prof is clearly an enormous intellect, but is obtusely short sighted in his clouded understanding of section 230.  In fact, I think   Adi Robertson would do a better job of teaching Jeff Kosseff's courses in Annapolis. Indeed, the professor who wrote the 26 words(He got an undergrad to do the counting) never addresses the inherent ambiguity of the phrase "interactive computer service".   Also "treated as the publisher or speaker " of a third party content provider is equally baffling!  So does this mean that if the third party posts "if you want to live don't attend your Freshman English Composition class" that users of interactive computer service can repeat(retweet as our savior Trump did until  POTUS account was suspended) this obvious life-threatening warning to skip class if you cherish breathing oxygen??? Anshu Siripurapu did a better job than the TEACH as well explaining how pornography would not be a billion dollar indu...

Boycott this Albuquerque Funeral Home

 To say that the French Funeral and Cremation commercial exceeded the bounds of good taste would not come close to conveying the irreverence and egregious disrespect for the dead that happened when my daughter cried her eyes out after viewing. The city of Albuquerque, NM leads the nation in violent death which jacks up the demand for the service funeral parlors provide. The tasteless and ridiculously insensitive TV advertisement involved a pissed off realtor squirting water on a guy burying his deceased mother in the backyard because Mom did not want to waste money on an overpriced death ceremony.  The grave digging commercial actor you see in below pic, next to the blue coffin, was carrying out his mother's last wishes to be interred next to the family pets. Have you heard that some cremation professionals put cement dust in the urn to save money on the cost of placing corpse in cremation oven. That is pathetic with the cost of natural gas being soooo low these days!! However...

Did Female Columnist really check her facts before publishing Article?

 I do not blame the dude from Artesia for being upset the way liberal folks make up a crisis just cuz it makes sense to them in their deluded minds. Ralph Rivera hates liberals and hates the fact that the GOP candidate had the election stolen from him in the 2020 election.  A Ruidoso New Mexico bus driver feels a lot like Ralph when he commented that Merilee Dannemann back in 2018 shot off her mouth about how idling school buses can be hazardous to the health of the children passengers. The components of the  diesel fumes contain enough toxic substances to cause your kid to get very sick according to Miss Triple Space.  Another school bus driver from Roswell named Richards, if I recall, feels the same way about the syndicated columnist's lack of citations regarding her "though experiment". Mr Richards told reporters that RISD has strictly enforced rules about turning off the ignition to the school buses if they are waiting in line somewhere.  So yeah, I agr...

Nothing More permanent than Temporary Government Programs

 The Internal Revenue Service in the United States of America apparently does not have the Information Technology human resources to immediately fix the "Get My Payment is Temporarily Offline" Issue/Problem/Gaffe. The IRS in NOT monitoring or preparing for new legislation. The Get My Payment link is down because the appropriate sense of urgency is not present in any government run entity. Charles Schwab is NEVER down because it knows that would tarnish their excellent reputation as respected financial services company.  Government IT workers have no such concern as that fat paycheck will continue to be issued whether the piece of crap Get My Payment site is working or not. The article by Jessica Dolcourt was not much help. It is not like she can pick up the phone an ask an IRS IT employee or programmer if there is a bug in the program. Entertainment commentator Geoff "DeafGeoff" Herbert wrote an equally valueless article, just restating the hollow promises of Steven...