Newspaper Columnist abusing the word RACISM
American Emergency Room doctor Alex Busko politely listed dumb young Americans whose self-absorbed egos could NOT BELIEVE they had contracted life threatening COVID. NO Dr Busko did not name the fools but his frustration level was evident.
You guessed it, none of them were vaccinated. None of them heeded the urgent health risk warnings and now their self induced illness is costing their families tons of money to keep their ignorant kids alive at the expense of the people who were unselfish enough to get get vaccinated.
Dr Busko needs to counsel with a southeast Asia writer who equates Duterte's strict policy to RACISM. The fool even compared it to the Rosa Parks story!!! The chief executive of the famous Ali-Frazier archipelago ordered a "circuit breaker" lockdown and also mandated that those who choose not to vaccinate stay at home.
The writer should lose any journalistic accolades, awards, or certifications he has earned for DISTORTING the meaning of the term racism in a fashion that suits his warped ideology!!!!
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