Picture Taking and Privacy Abroad


Forgive my confusion, but I believe this picture was taken in Ho Chi Minh City in Viet Nam. Our family business takes us all over the world and we had just been released from a government chosen quarantine Hotel.

We were so relieved to be out of the depressing situation of being stuck in a small space for 14 days that we were out snapping photos and enjoying life! We happened to catch this driver of a Weathertech Refrigeration & Airconditioning Company truck, who seem mildly upset that we captured him in smart phone picture image. You can seem him pointing or waving in our direction.(Not with his middle finger at least!) 

We certainly meant no offense to the locals. Will travel to Japan, Korea, Australia, and the Philippines before traveling back to Canada. Will probably write book on the different COVID restrictions and inconveniences, but still had a good enjoyable time overall.


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