What's God got to Do with It?

 Dear Vicky,

Did you ever, during this ravaging plague called COVID Delta etc, contemplate the likely possibility that THERE IS NO GOD?  

I am so sorry for your loss in the town named after Ira and Ann Yates not too far from Fort Stockton and Monahans Texas. 

No disrespect to your faith in God Miss Zapata, but why would you pray to a God on Facebook who let the plague happen to begin with?  Do you think Iraan is being punished just like the people in the Old Testament who had been sinful? Why would you worship a "higher power" who would let this happen in the first place?

Your governor is to blame by not enforcing masking and social distancing. The 1200 citizens of your oil field town are equally at fault for ignoring the Corona Virus prevention protocol. So after all their negligence, you still want God to bail you out?


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