God, What God?
The family had been pushed to the edge of the grief precipice and had actually contemplated a FAMILY SUICIDE. Their system of beliefs which presupposed the conviction, there is a loving and caring God, was pushed to its very limit! The money they made from a Netflix special TV piece may have helped some.
How could a benevolent God allow their son to have been viciously slaughtered in Forestall and Dauphine area of Cajun City where Drew Brees has magnanimously given his time and money to many hardship cases? Their son's murder was connected to the horrible Opioid addiction crisis that has paralyzed many small and large towns alike in the USA.
The simplest answer is THERE IS NO GOD in the Adam and Eve, Noah's ark, burning bushes, a man being dead for three days and all the other nonsense the Old Testament would have you believe.
I wonder if Dan Schneider ever came to that realization?
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