Be careful with dem Bumper Stickers

 Not ashamed to admit going all the way back to my Roswell High days, that I was quite the Subway Sandwich man. Always thought Taco Bell, MacDonalds were bad for your health.

That is why I believe Dions out of Albuquerque has been a God Send. All 230 churches in Alien City should include an honorable mention in their Wednesday and Sunday Sermons.

So we got stuck behind this NYC Empire State Yankee while waiting in line at Dions. No problema!  It is a free country and even Kamala Harris Lovers are allowed down South, but just look at this Yankee's bumper stickers which include Malcom X's infamous "by any means necessary" and Maybe George Orwell got the year wrong. WTF does that mean? Is this guy trying to start a race war in his Subaru Outback license plate JFE 2675?  We could not see if the driver was a Black Man. I work with some African Americans in the school district and have a lot of respect for them because they know their place. We even have some of them over for barbeque and babysit their kids AND SCREW ALL THAT CRAP ABOUT MICROAGGRESSIONS!


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