High Number of Roswell NM leaders experienced Traumatic Puberties?
When our family first moved to Roswell New Mexico, we were sooo happy to be breathing clean air, but I guess anyplace has clean air compared to Los Angeles. We knew within the first two weeks, the place was full of narrow minded red necks who voted for Fascist Trump, but the people were friendly if you could just avoid politics and religion at Sam's Club and Farmer's Market.
We just loved some of the devoted middle school teachers even the ones that were imprisoned at Mesa. We thought of the classrooms as generally safe until recently when speakers at the school board meeting got out of hand intimidating everybody but the Mexican guy with balls of steel. That man does have cojones I would not mind milking.
This backwards town actually somehow has so far legally gotten away with ignoring government COVID health mandates. I have never been around so many ignorant people in my life who do not mind threatening the lives of elementary school students and the whole town by spreading the Delta variant.
Did some research and concluded all these idiotic "Adults" must have had a traumatic puberty with little effective guidance from their parents. Read the article by Elissa Strauss about how parents who do not guide their young men through their initial sperm production year, are setting them up for failure and selfish, childish behavior as "adults"
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