Bicyclists Own TOO much of the Road!

I thought of Steve Sailer as I almost struck a bicycle operator who had just run a 4 way stop sign near the cheerleader producing school in Corsicana, Texas.  I don't think it was cheerleader because I would have seen her muscular arse spilling out all over the bike seat and stopped to just to worship something I know I will never enjoy! In my youth, I NEVER knew a cheerleader who was not a screamer. 

Some bicyclers have become traffic nuisances because of the many unfair laws that protect their right of way even if it means a 40 mph traveling car has to slow down for them or switch lanes abruptly which happens to be one of the most common causes of an injurious crash!

The following comment sort of sums up all that I despise about the Bike owner mindset:

 I am sympathetic to the cyclists. If they want to risk their lives to reduce carbon emissions, pollution and improve their health(while causing head on collisions and crashes for motorists trying to dodge them!), then giving them some grace at traffic lights is the least we can do. I


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