Unethically Exploiting the Free Shipping Promotion

Just read a typically very helpful article by Natasha Burton, Daily Worth. I am not ranting negatively against what she wrote because I think she is just reporting common practices by American Consumers.

 She writes about that moment when your are shopping online at check out time when you realize you need to spend $25 more to waive your shipping costs. So you purchase $25 more than than originally planned just to save around 5 dollars on shipping.

 What many folks do according to Burton, since most online retailer offers free return shipping, is they pay the extra $25 on additional items to get the free shipping.....then return the items via free return shipping! A 2011 study reveals that 40% of clothing purchases made online are indeed returned which supports Burton's claim.

 Now for the rant. This practice I just described is stealing. It is not the same as shoplifting an item directly off the store shelf, but it is a form of theft nonetheless! Some friends of ours who go to Church every Sunday and beg us to join them buy extra all the time for the free shipping and then ship the excess back to retailer free of charge.

 I view their actions as very hypocritical and as bearing false witness to Christians who are on the fence. I am surprised online retailers let people get away with this as it would be very easy to track, monitor and guard against.


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