The Murderous Actions of a Microscopic Minority Should not Alter Gun Laws

The father of one of the victims in the Santa Barbara shootings emotionally and vehemently begged law makers to radically change existing gun laws because his son was senselessly slaughtered. As much sympathy as I have for this grieving father, we can NOT make gun laws stricter because of the actions of a small percent of ONE percent. Please carefully read the following words of Jonah Goldberg that more lucidly and convincingly supports the above assertion:

 Why not instead focus on the source of the problem: the very small minority of mentally ill people who pose a danger to themselves and others. And, yes, guns need to be part of that equation. But blanket efforts to ban guns seem like an analogous effort to ban dangerous speech or art. About a third of U.S. households own a gun, according to surveys, but the number may be higher than that. Getting rid of guns will infringe on the rights of tens of millions of sane, law-abiding citizens in order to tackle a problem posed by dozens of people. And, like it or not, the Supreme Court has reaffirmed that we have a constitutional right to own a firearm, subject to reasonable regulation.

Goldberg points out that around one third of USA households have at least one gun. Law abiding citizens have right to defend themselves and their families from home invasions. The actions of a few psycho, maladjusted killers should not even partially nullify or abridge that constitutional right!


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