Limit/Nullify Congressional Authority to Tamper with Social Security

Below is a screenshot of a social security statement which I finally got in PDF form from their website. I guess you all know that the Social Security Administration does not send out paper statements anymore in their paper-saving, insecure snail-mail movement.

We were essentially forced to get an online account at the SS website to facilitate being able to download the PDF statement that you see below. We had to make a physical appearance at the SSA office to verify our identity since I have a credit freeze at Experian. Actually you just see our estimated benefits. If I keep earning money at my current salary level, then I will get circa $1050 per month at age 62. If I can wait till age 66, then my monthly retirement compensation will be close to $1600 per month.

I've contributed long enough to get around $1400 per month if I become disabled. You can file for disability online avoiding that dignity draining trip to your local SSA office. You might have to go in face to face for some of it, but you can at least initiate the Disability pay request online!

Now for the rant:  I don't like doing bold face because it is the internet equivalent of shouting, but what you see below is a very important  two sentence paragraph which speaks to the extent that social security benefits will be funded as father time marches on.

Your estimated benefits are based on current law. Congress has made changes to the law in the past and can do so at any time. The law governing benefit amounts may change because, by 2033, the payroll taxes collected will be enough to pay only about 77 percent of scheduled benefits.

Much Thanks to Carolyn W. Colvin  who is the SSA Commissioner for making it easy to view and permanently digitally save SSA statement and being honest about the shortfalls in 2033.


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