Too many Resources being committed to keeping Heroin Addicts Alive
I read an article recently about a young lady in a Walmart parking lot who overdosed on heroin. She has been addicted for around 4 years. A police officer was the first responder and was carrying a small kit of naloxone, an anti-overdose medication which he had only recently been trained to use in such circumstances. He prepared the dose, placed the atomizer in her nostril and sprayed.
The young heroin junkie was revived. This is good news on the surface. Anytime a life is saved should't the all of humanity jump for joy? Maybe the proper outcome would be to let people who frequently take too much heroin pass away. That sounds callous, but if they don't care about their lives why should police officers be trained to keep them alive when there are so many other important functions for our nation's finest.
Incorrigible addicts are a drain on their family and the community. I bet half of the heroin addicts who overdosed and then were revived by naloxone end up shooting up and overdosing again within a month. There are only so many interventions and caring actions that can be administered before you have to move on and help the the non addicts who love themselves enough to not burden those around them.
Heroin and opioid pill abuse are at all time highs in the big metro areas and small town USA. I am sorry that many people are so unhappy that they are willing to consume dangerous life threatening substances, but one option is to just let them die if they repeatedly show no restraint in trying to win against their addiction. You might notice a significant decrease in violent crime with more addicts underground than above.
The young heroin junkie was revived. This is good news on the surface. Anytime a life is saved should't the all of humanity jump for joy? Maybe the proper outcome would be to let people who frequently take too much heroin pass away. That sounds callous, but if they don't care about their lives why should police officers be trained to keep them alive when there are so many other important functions for our nation's finest.
Incorrigible addicts are a drain on their family and the community. I bet half of the heroin addicts who overdosed and then were revived by naloxone end up shooting up and overdosing again within a month. There are only so many interventions and caring actions that can be administered before you have to move on and help the the non addicts who love themselves enough to not burden those around them.
Heroin and opioid pill abuse are at all time highs in the big metro areas and small town USA. I am sorry that many people are so unhappy that they are willing to consume dangerous life threatening substances, but one option is to just let them die if they repeatedly show no restraint in trying to win against their addiction. You might notice a significant decrease in violent crime with more addicts underground than above.
Didn't somebody file a lawsuit against Walmart for this even though it was NOT their fault? Did you read about how employee Kivin Varghese is hunger striking because he believes Amazon does not treat employees fairly? Sorry Kivin Varghese, but Walmart and Amazon keep their prices down by not paying their employees very much knowing they can just hire somebody else who will not complain like you are. Go ahead and starve yourself, but you would be better off just finding another job rather than complaining. You are getting paid what you are worth. You knew what they were paying you when they hired you. Put up or shutup.