
What's God got to Do with It?

 Dear Vicky, Did you ever, during this ravaging plague called COVID Delta etc, contemplate the likely possibility that THERE IS NO GOD?    I am so sorry for your loss in the town named after Ira and Ann Yates not too far from Fort Stockton and Monahans Texas.  No disrespect to your faith in God Miss Zapata, but why would you pray to a God on Facebook who let the plague happen to begin with?  Do you think Iraan is being punished just like the people in the Old Testament who had been sinful? Why would you worship a "higher power" who would let this happen in the first place? Your governor is to blame by not enforcing masking and social distancing. The 1200 citizens of your oil field town are equally at fault for ignoring the Corona Virus prevention protocol. So after all their negligence, you still want God to bail you out?

Titanic Analogy Limps with Respect to US Responsibility to save the world

 A higher up with WHO(not Canadian Rock group,  World Health Organization) is hanging his hat on a LAME ANALOGY.   He compares United States vaccine lack of generosity with steerage section of the Titanic which did not get any life preservers after ship struck iceberg.  For those not maritime inclined, the steerage section is group of poorer passengers including some workers and cheap ticket holders.  Leo DeCaprio won his ticket in a poker hand before his steamy banging Kate Winslet handprint on Windshield scene. Read Two Years Before the Mast by Richard Dana for more familiarity with ship life and vernacular.  Dr. Michael Ryan should stick to being damn doctor rathe than a moralizing first class versus steerage class kind of guy! Let's see Doc, the US did the R&D, absorbed the massive costs of production and distribution AND we are the bad guys!! Who gives a crap what your political views are when you are probably first in line for the booster jab...

The notion of forgiveness as it relates to Liberal Mindset

 Was reading the often repeated quote "forgiveness is just another name for freedom" trying to credit the quote to some guy whose name I am not recalling at the moment.  All I could think of was how could you forgive the RADICAL LEFT in the United States? Those weak minded bleeding hearts believe nonsense like: Mankind has changed the climate irreparably Won't acknowledge possibility election was rigged to elect a guy who should be in a nursing home  Rodney King is martyr when he was really a convicted felon who spent 3 years incarcerated and was frequently in trouble with the law. Defund police which would last as long as it would take for one of the daughters to get gang-raped in broad daylight  And all the stuff Clive Palmer says about numskulls down under.  So, NO I don't forgive liberal minded folks in the Biblical sense or in the way Byron Katie intended since conservative minds constantly have to deal with Karens and other messes created by their mindless...

Be careful with dem Bumper Stickers

 Not ashamed to admit going all the way back to my Roswell High days, that I was quite the Subway Sandwich man. Always thought Taco Bell, MacDonalds were bad for your health. That is why I believe Dions out of Albuquerque has been a God Send. All 230 churches in Alien City should include an honorable mention in their Wednesday and Sunday Sermons. So we got stuck behind this NYC Empire State Yankee while waiting in line at Dions. No problema!  It is a free country and even Kamala Harris Lovers are allowed down South, but just look at this Yankee's bumper stickers which include Malcom X's infamous "by any means necessary" and Maybe George Orwell got the year wrong. WTF does that mean? Is this guy trying to start a race war in his Subaru Outback license plate JFE 2675?  We could not see if the driver was a Black Man. I work with some African Americans in the school district and have a lot of respect for them because they know their place. We even have some of them over f...

You Should not fear CSAM if you are not a pervert.

 So let's get "What does CSAM stand for" out of the way before the rant goes full force. CSAM is an acronym for C hild Se xual A buse M aterial. It is a program that will scan your IPhone pictures while they are being uploaded to ICloud.  One concern of   LGBTQ parents is that Jerry Falwell type of conservative Christians consider that segment of the population to be deviant, perverted, exploitative and will be summarily flagged by CSAM filtering.  These type of "Christians" actually believe you can pray away what they perceive to be evil sexual acts.  They would welcome CSAM except that some Baptist preachers have been caught sodomizing women prostitutes which would obviously detected by CSAM software.  Thanks to  Michael Bussee for having the guts to realize being God fearing Christian does NOT a man cannot find another man attractive.

High Number of Roswell NM leaders experienced Traumatic Puberties?

 When our family first moved to Roswell New Mexico, we were sooo happy to be breathing clean air, but I guess anyplace has clean air compared to Los Angeles.  We knew within the first two weeks, the place was full of narrow minded red necks who voted for Fascist Trump, but the people were friendly if you could just avoid politics and religion at Sam's Club and Farmer's Market.  We just loved some of the devoted middle school teachers even the ones that were imprisoned at Mesa. We thought of the classrooms as generally safe until recently when speakers at the school board meeting got out of hand intimidating everybody but the Mexican guy with balls of steel. That man does have cojones I would not mind milking.  This backwards town actually somehow has so far legally gotten away with ignoring government COVID health mandates. I have never been around so many ignorant people in my life who do not mind threatening the lives of elementary school students and the whole tow...

You can't fix Stupid, but you can ignore it

 I estimate the average IQ of Chaves County in New Mexico might be almost 90. The fact that the county was three to one in favor of Trump in general election is proof of that. Newspaper man Juno Ogle provided us with more proof in the picture below featuring Stacy Wolkwitz. She threatened to have all RISD board members fired if they chose to continue enforcing the COVID masking requirement in school. Just like the dictator she voted for, Stacy wants to impeach the fairly elected members of the school board. The Spring River Luxury Apartment bankrupted many of the slumlords. Could not have happened to a nicer group of people!! If you follow the money, she is a landlord or property manager who may be getting wiped out financially. Not exactly someone who has the overall health of the city as a goal. Wolkwitz sounds like a German or Slavic name and may be one of the many slum lords who infest Roswell.  The only sensible member of the School Board is James Edwards who is not too f...