My Poor Little Boutique

I do sympathize with the small business owner who made a desperate plea on ABC news for her state government to relax social distancing and stay at home orders.

Jessica Throneburg had just given all of her heart and financial resources to open a baby clothes boutique around a week before the governor of North Carolina issued orders to protect his state's citizens from contracting and expiring from COVID-19.

This is where Jessica needs some help with basis logic. Customers assembled closely together in stores spread the virus. You went through medical issues with Ford and I sure hope that you realize your store being open could lead to medical problems/death for many more! Hopefully, you can generate enough sales online to keep your family's head above water.

What you are really saying in your impassioned national TV appearance is money for me and my family is MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE HEALTH OF  NORTH CAROLINA  CITIZENS.


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