Lenders, Realtors, Insurance Agents and Car Salesmen
Newspapers are important, but they are also a source of a great deal of deception and misinformation. An example are the newspaper ads in Albuquerque, NM promoting the services of Lynette N. Turpen. Not everything is fully disclosed until you actually sit down at the table to close after your heart is set on that dream home. Lenders have a way of squeezing every last drop out of you since they know you want that house come hell or high water! Amy Lignor wrote that Janette Lucero JP Stone Community Bank mortgage loan originator served her community for 46 years. The VP is leaving town to be a grandmother in some other place. One of my cousins, with a high credit score, applied online at JP Stone for a 15 year Adjustable Rate Mortgage(ARM in financial industry lingo) He graduated in the top 10 per cent of his class at Roswell High and had been at the same job for over 2 years. The FRIENDLY community bank REJECTED his loan application. That don't sound much like faithfully servin...