Tooth Paste Irony of all Ironies

It is funny how certain remarks stick in your mind endlessly. An old buddy of mine named Andy Hanson was an expert chess player out of Hobbs,NM when I last talked to him. Chess players are typically independent critical thinkers who trust their own reasoning skills. I believe he had read Das Kapital by Marx and lamented how so many of us were wage slaves. Like me, he believed religion was valueless.

I remember him examining the inactive ingredient list on a tube of tooth paste and noting that saccharin( a sugar substitute) was in the product to improve the taste. His humorous concern was the likelihood that a sugar substitute in tooth paste promoted the tooth decay the product was advertised to help prevent!

You can see in the picture of the Crest toothpaste tube that sodium saccharin is one of the many inactive ingredients in the tooth cleaning product. It turns out that saccharin does not advance tooth decay , at least according to Wikipedia.


  1. Millenial Sam Eaton has profound disdain for organized religion and Church. I can't say that I blame him. Gossip, backstabbing and other types of unpleasant activities that go on in work place break rooms, are common place in many houses of the Lord


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