40 Per Cent of T-Mobile Customers cry FOUL
Anne Flaherty's AP article was an eye-opener on many counts. T-Mobile is being prosecuted for charging for services that were not provided or services that were not requested by customer. Some T-Mobile account holders were billed for a horoscope service they never requested and did not even think to look for when their month bill arrived!
The real proof in the pudding that T-Mobile is crooked is that 40% of their customer base requested refunds for certain services that were not part of the customer's original contract/agreement.When almost one half of your customers are irate, that is invariably conclusive proof that service sucks or they are being ripped off.
The practice is often referred to as "cramming": businesses stuff a customer's bill with bogus charges associated with a third party. In this case, the FTC says T-Mobile should have realized that many of these premium text services were scams because of the high rate of customer complaints. In some cases, the FTC says, as many as 40 percent of customers demanded refunds in a single month on certain services.
The real proof in the pudding that T-Mobile is crooked is that 40% of their customer base requested refunds for certain services that were not part of the customer's original contract/agreement.When almost one half of your customers are irate, that is invariably conclusive proof that service sucks or they are being ripped off.
The practice is often referred to as "cramming": businesses stuff a customer's bill with bogus charges associated with a third party. In this case, the FTC says T-Mobile should have realized that many of these premium text services were scams because of the high rate of customer complaints. In some cases, the FTC says, as many as 40 percent of customers demanded refunds in a single month on certain services.
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