Abolishing Tenure Bad Idea

In case everybody has forgotten, tenure is around to retain underpaid educators from capricious administrators and whiney parents who think their kids deserve a passing grade just for showing up. 

The movement to abolish teacher tenure is completely consistent with the entitlement culture that has overwhelmed the United States. Parents who think the government owes them an easy life raise kids who have the same indolent expectations.

Campbell Brown, who has a distorted notion of what constitutes educational justice, is the impetus behind an anti-tenure lawsuit in New York. Why would anybody expect a news women who reports sanitized, if not completely false, accounts of current events to have anything insightful to contribute regarding tenure?

There are cases where tenured professors need to be terminated for unacceptable performances, but these rare cases are not an argument for discontinuing a policy which is an attempt to retain dedicated and sincere instructors.

Read the article in the pic below to see just how confused Mona Davids is when declaring that only teachers should be held accountable for ensuring our kid's education. Parents and their children are equally accountable for taking ownership of their education. The educational crisis she describes is more due to lazy, unmotivated students and parents who don't push their progeny enough!


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