Using Force is OK when Restraining a Thief
At least twice in Houston,TX, Walmart has been sued by the family of a shoplifter. Yes, that's right! Somebody stole goods from Walmart and their theft control employees tried to restrain the thief resulting in the world's largest retailer having to defend themselves in court.
The following theft occurred at the 1960 Atascocita location back in 2004. The perpetrator appeared to be a meth head who ripped off around 100 dollars worth of merchandise and then ran out of the store with loss-prevention employees in hot pursuit. The perpetrator, Stacy Driver, was pinned to the ground in Walmart parking lot. Driver continued to struggle rather than admit he had stolen the items and await his day in court.
Driver died in the Walmart parking lot, one of the causes of his death being hyperthermia with methamphetamine toxicity. His family sued Walmart retaining Jim Lindeman as their legal counsel. I don't have any idea what the basis of their lawsuit could be. A guy high on meth walks into a store and steals a BB gun and other items. Once account said he ripped off some diapers which I am sure will cause bleeding heart liberal tears to flow. Oh how silly of me! Anybody who steals diapers should be set free of any criminal charges.
Brad Frye, another attorney for the family, said. "This was a senseless, senseless death."
However, not mentioned by Frye, when Driver passed away, he was on probation for being arrested in a similar gift-card scam at a WalMart in Polk County , and he had signed an agreement to never enter another of the chain's stores.
One has to have a lot of sympathy for Wal-Mart spokesman Marty Heires who is made to look like a villain for trying to prevent people from ripping off his merchandise! Read more of the the Robert Crowe article for more details.
The following theft occurred at the 1960 Atascocita location back in 2004. The perpetrator appeared to be a meth head who ripped off around 100 dollars worth of merchandise and then ran out of the store with loss-prevention employees in hot pursuit. The perpetrator, Stacy Driver, was pinned to the ground in Walmart parking lot. Driver continued to struggle rather than admit he had stolen the items and await his day in court.
Driver died in the Walmart parking lot, one of the causes of his death being hyperthermia with methamphetamine toxicity. His family sued Walmart retaining Jim Lindeman as their legal counsel. I don't have any idea what the basis of their lawsuit could be. A guy high on meth walks into a store and steals a BB gun and other items. Once account said he ripped off some diapers which I am sure will cause bleeding heart liberal tears to flow. Oh how silly of me! Anybody who steals diapers should be set free of any criminal charges.
Brad Frye, another attorney for the family, said. "This was a senseless, senseless death."
However, not mentioned by Frye, when Driver passed away, he was on probation for being arrested in a similar gift-card scam at a WalMart in Polk County , and he had signed an agreement to never enter another of the chain's stores.
One has to have a lot of sympathy for Wal-Mart spokesman Marty Heires who is made to look like a villain for trying to prevent people from ripping off his merchandise! Read more of the the Robert Crowe article for more details.
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