Against increasing Minimum Wage for Fast Food Workers
The newspaper headline read fast food workers plan protest for US and other countries. Union representatives from Panama, Hong Kong ,New Zealand, Italy and Argentina assembled in New York this week to formulate their strategies for protests and demonstrations.
One of the protester's demands is $15 per hour for any US fast food worker. This initiative is getting support from the service employees international Union which has around 2 million members. Our change president Obama and Democratic lawmakers will be delighted to raise the federal minimum wage in an election year. All the poor people and lowlifes voted him into office to begin with, so what's new?
Giving fast food workers $15 an hour is the same thing as saying it's okay that you screwed off in school and made nothing of your life, the government and hard working tax payers will take care of you anyway.
Part of the reason for the widely publicized income gap is the existence of lazy people who have grown up in an entitlement culture. You people had the chance to be trained for higher paying professions, but chose to play games, do drugs and booze, disrupt your school's classroom. Now you are facing the consequences of your actions! Good luck and whatever you do, do NOT sign up at ITT Tech. Your life will become even more miserable!
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