Many Now being Forced to sign up for ObamaCare
The following harmless sounding description of what hospitals around the country are doing should be read very carefully. In particular, the phrase hoping to push them into signing up for coverage under the Affordable Care Act is really saying if you do NOT sign up for ObamaCare you will not be able to afford a trip to the doctor!
Hospital systems around the country have started scaling back financial assistance for lower- and middle-income people without health insurance, hoping to push them into signing up for coverage through the new online marketplaces created under the Affordable Care Act.
Push is a euphemistic way of saying force. Yes, we now live in a country where hospitals are being coerced into scaling back financial assistance for their poorer to middle class patients leaving these poor sick patients with only one choice which is to sign up for the ACA!
Let me repeat the travesty many of our nation's citizen are facing. Around 90% of the population of America is effectively being told they have to sign up for and pay for a government sponsored health care system. If you do not sign up, you run the risk of compromising your health and the well being and health of those who depend on you.
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