Rodgers Much more than a Mommy Hater
One has to love the perspective of this guy who posted pseudonymously as warofwords at the web site I think he is right on with his incisive observations as to why the United States has become a breeding ground for Elliot Rodger types who brag about their evolutionary fitness despite evidence to the contrary. The evidence being that women would not be caught dead with him. OH MY GOD!, that was a horribly inappropriate unintended pun: ........these wacko mommy-hating dudes are out there en masse, not just on Reddit-inflected(infected sp?) sites and not just in prison for serial rape of women and little girls. Seems Rodger's otherwise useless life served a purpose after all: to show the world there are too many violent narcissist males who think they're "nice guys" and to make a lot more women consider the benefits of lesbianism. Women were opting for lesbianism long before it was so easy for psychos to carry out the countless mass murders we see i...