My BrotherInLaw needs his Job!!

 This picture that I found on Facebook reminds me of how New Mexico's governor can ruin people's life with the snap of her finger. It is picture from one of the school room buildings at the Military Institute in Roswell. The janitors there are working very hard to kill COVID and they flood the classrooms with some kind of blue light that KILLS Corona.

I think the custodians have to stay up there an extra hour while the light is disinfecting the classroom and they have to put do not enter signs on the door until the light goes off. My brother in law is a janitor there and needs the money bad to take care of his poor family and wife who has trouble holding down a job even when times are good! 

Rumors are being spread that NMMI will be shut down even though they are sticking to the rules and nobody is getting infected. I hope Grisham will get off her high horse and let the school stay open. Parents of the cadets paid for one on one teaching not the online CRAP that everybody HATES!!! Mom and Dad will go crazy if everybody comes back home and are all crammed together and shit.

My bro works in the building closest to Main street sometimes named McClellan where the chemistry classes are I think. The teachers there treat him with respect he says and he hopes he can keep the job. I know there a lot of stupid and dumb rednecks in Roswell walking around in Harbor Freight without the mask on and coughing all over everybody, but landmark school is doing a damn good job of making a go of it. COMON NOW LADY GOVERNOR


  1. That is sign on classroom door in Lea Hall it looks like. The sign says keep out of the room because UV light is doing its disinfecting. Could be Willson. Yep that is how you spell Willson Hall. Ask Sarah Harmon who was there long ago and was a big whiner and complainer about the DCO, TLAs, RC staff and faculty. Skinny Red Headed girl when I knew her. I knew a dude named Cory Leiber who showed some serious dance moves during that fake hypnotist show in Pearson auditorium.

    Albuquerque alumni don't like the superintendent cuz of the way he unfairly booted Alumni association off the campus. Word was he almost quit because of high publicity and shit that went down about court case. Glad the two black boys who banged the horny white girl in the barracks did not get nothin on their criminal records. Girl was trying to get laid and made known she like black sausage!!! Girlfriend was boozin it up then tried to get the niggas arrested for giving her want she was craving

  2. It is getting wild at NMMI according to custodian friend of the family. Not sure if this information is spot on, but she says that the acting commandant sent out pictures of agents from Santa Fe taking pictures of students and employees violating COVID rules of governor. Parents are comin in there and spending a lot of time without permission and a football player got cot going to Target breaking the rules of mask and keeping distance from people!!!

    Governor Grisham is trying to build up evidence to close down the place if the rules are being taken lightly. This is really PISSING OFF the majority who are obeying the rules. IT IS ALWAYS LIKE THAT a few ignorant fools F it UP for everybody!!!!! Just remember there is nowhere else for some of dem cadets to go. Some of them come from broken families and the Old Post has become their NEW FAMILY. do not screw it up for them you idiots!!!

    1. Look! I have been working there close to 3 years and all the professors and physical plant employees and the majority of the cadets are sticking to the social distancing and wearing the masks!!! The friggin secretary of the NM Department of Health sent out a letter where some spy from Santa Fe found out about a cadet dude who had a visitor come in and infected the Cadet while they were eating in a car together!!! The secretary also warned against parents who spend too much time on post. The cadet was booted and sent home.

      Stephanie Rodriguez the secretary also warned that the military school is not telling the truth about enforcing the written policy. The times I have been in Toles it IS UNBELIEVABLE HOS MANY OF THE NMMI EMPLOYEES ARE NOT IN COMPLIANCE. A middle aged guy with beard in the Deans office often has his mask off when talking with the older women there.

      I feel bad for the sup over the motorcycle trip but I know he is trying damned hard to do a good job and I give the man an A+ for putting up with whiney know it all faculty members in the English and Science Department. When kids are eating in mess hall, it is not normal for them to sit apart separated by that damm plastic which gets dirty as hell and has to be constantly cleaned!!!!!!

      All my respect to the Superintendent and Dean for kicking ass and taking names!!!

    2. Please pray for the friends and family of Jacob Neiswender who committed suicide in Austin Texas June 3, 2021. I don't know if it had to do with the overly restrictive COVID rules. He was a cadet at NMMI and I am at loss to describe my feelings, but know from my son that Jacob was a good person. I had no idea he fought depression. I hope NMMI will make contact with his family conveying their concern and what they can do with respect to cadet counseling services.

    3. Did any of you all know that the superintendent was really pissed that UNM coach Bob Davie and his coaching staff had never recruited NMMI players or even inquired about them.

      There is a simple reason Mr President. Anybody in the corps can tell you the majority of the Black players there DO NOT respect the corps or the uniform or the rules of the place. They ARE NOT student athletes as you put in the newspaper article. Some are but 90% are knuckleheads cannot hack it in the corps of cadets or the classroom.

      They are not even from New Mexico so the WITFck would Lobos want them on the team for that reason!!!!

      We have friend who teaches there who says he has to work double time just for the volleyball and football players who DO NOT EVEN go over the online distance learning materials and wait for everybody else to take the test so they can cheat their asses off on the test.

      MAYBE THAT IS WHY UNM SHOW ZERO INTEREST IN THE LUGHEADS you allow into the school. Lets not even mention the shooting that happened on and near NMMI property that you tried to cover up!!!

  3. That place is close to Alamogordo,NM right? We almost go screwed over by a used card salesmen when we were trying to trade in our PathFinder. A guy named Reno Underwood who sucked up by calling me bro, dude, and buddy tried hard to rip us off.

    Bro Underwood offered us $18,500 for our 2018 vehicle with less than 20,000 miles on it!!!!!!! We hooked it to Roswell Krumland and got a little over $20K. The salesmen there whose brother is a bigtime lawyer told us about this computer chip shortage which is driving up the price of pre owned SUVs

    1. I dealt with Reno at Toyota at Desert Sun Toyota in Alamogordo on our RAV4. He lowballed us a little bit, but he was a good guy. We also got a better offer at Roswell dealership. Reno is just doing his job trying to buy cars at low price and sell than higher. You need to chill BRO!!

  4. Debra Swain who we think is a doctor or nurse at the Military School Hospital sent out this email kissing admin ass about how great they have serviced the football players and shit!

    We saw the parade that the cadets did at Stapp field near Burger King. Those kids had not marched in a year we heard. They did a good job and did the school proud and all!

    The guy sitting next to us in the stands was bitching about how NONE of the Volleyball players or College football players had to march in the parade. Some of the troops that came by only had 4 or 5 CAYDETS marching because the monkey brain football players were above the rules which said they was supposed to be out their too!!!

    Cadet and teachers there are pissed at the horrible double standard where the college sports players don't have live up to the rules and standards like the other CAYDETS have to!!!!!! WTF WTF WTF!!!!!

    1. Sooooo, I bet you hear about the DCO at NMMI getting terminated before his new employee period was finished up? The word is the man knew a dude on the Board of Regents.

      The fired DCO made some truthful remarks to the BOR Bro about the double standards there where the COLLEGE FOOTBALL players don't do shit in the corps or in the classroom.

      A lot of the black apes are abusive to high school corps of cadets leadership, the niggas do not wear the uniform right, don't show up to formations and all kinds of other the things that regular cadets have to do.

      The superintendant just lets it happen and BOR apparently does not give a crap cuz the sup fired a guy who saw what a joke it is that the football players get away with having zero responsability while the plane jane cadets have to work that much harder!!!!!

      Board of Regents....please fix this! Alumni, parents of cadets and everybody else sees how unfair this is. The Sup has tooo much power and needs to be put on a much tighter leash!!!!!!

    2. Did any of you NMMI alumni, cadets, or faculty know a disruptive egotistical prick of a guy named Gregg H. Mayfield. He hated Ellison who was the superintendent before Jerry Grizzle.

      Mayfield email bombed staff, corps of cadets, faculty with libelous emails regarding admiral Ellison's performance.

      Other malcontents like him include Keenan Pickett, Rance Bradley a Mr Homecoming tough guy who is also quite insecure, Ms. Britt Bourque and Mr. Jim Sanders who pestered the board of regents endlessly, LaWanda Krett who just enjoyed bitching, John Keating, Bob Manning and Marshall Clevenger and many other assholes who thought their opinions actually mattered.

      Geraci and Ellison are good men and I admired the way they JUST IGNORED these foolish punks.

      Thanks to Julie Desmond for her efforts during those difficult times!!

    3. Glad to see Mrs Swain is getting recognized in New Mexico as well. She literally saved my niece in her time as Principal at Memorial School Upton in Blackstone, Massachusetts. Niece was having sex with older guys in school bathroom stall and her parents(my sister) could have faced criminal charges.

      The principal intervened and the only punishment my neice received was gential herpes from the Good Lord which was punishment enough believe me!! She has repented since even though I know she still fantasizes about the the Black football players!

      Lucy Dolliver and Stephen Billhardt also played crucial roles at later dates. I don't care what dianetics scientology zealot tom cruise said about Brooke Shields' post partum depression, the field of psychiatry is a necessary profession and has helped many!!!

    4. Twitter Account @PBJelly82 tweeted the suicide of a NMMI cadet because of 9 11 Twin Tower Destruction in NYC. Paul G. Burrow said the cadet killed himself because the father was a first responder who also OFFED HIMSELF.

      I doubt redneck city like Roswell would ever understand September 11 was caused by US government occupying Viet Nam and Afghanistan WHERE THEY WERE NOT WANTED!!

      Even intelligent writers like Daniel Byman USA don't seem to get meddling in other countries business is WHY SO MANY US citizens got smashed to bits when the suicide hijackers slammed into those buildings.

      Thud, Thud, THUD! THUD!!! the sound of people leaping to their death rather being burned to a crisp.

  5. Black lives matter MOST OF THE TIMEAugust 4, 2021 at 8:24 AM

    You have to read the excellent article by Madeline Will on the villainization of teachers and educators. Dr. Vinay Prasad asserts that teachers unions SUCK THE BIG ONE!!!

    Alison Eichhorn is suffering from anxiety regarding whether to continue the nightmare of online high school teaching. Boston resident Kathleen Sheehan thinks it is a complex issue and does not appear to blame educators for unionizing!!!

    Golden Gater Jennifer Sey is worried immensely about the mental health of her children. Chicago Cub fan Ryan Griffin understands both sides of the issue of to vaccinate or NOT.

  6. Loved the commentary of Lisette Landaverde regarding wearing school uniform at Sunset Elementary School.

    Do not respect the opinion of grandparent Donald David Henry who thinks uniforms SUCK. Does not give his spoiled rotten grandkids enough individualism. Sounds like mason Campbell’s problem

  7. NMMI is in face mask compliance according to long time physical plant employee who I trust even though he farts in front of my wife.

    RISD is a mess and there is no way Georgia psychology professor Irwin Bernstein would make it there. 18 year old freshman female was confrontational when asked to wear mask. Dr Bernstein walked out deciding his stem cell research would improve his chances of not expiring from delta variant.

  8. With regard to your comment about the NMMI cadet suicide suicide in Austin Texas June 3, 2021. Soooooo loook dude! How can you expect the Institute to watch over the mental health of 800 kids? Some of them are there because of the schools reputation as a reform school.

    The parents dumped them off there so why not as Bethany Bray suggests, START WITH PERSONAL AND PARENTAL responsibility rather than blame the military school in Chaves County!!! Pay a LPC like Julia Whisenhunt rather than expecting your cheap tuition dollars to cover clinical depression, hysteria and bi polar manic depressive symptoms!!!


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