Driving Demand for a product by communicating low inventory levels to faithful longtime patients
Dear Dr. Eric Wood, ND,
When did the decline begin? Was it when you realized that reading blood work as a GP was no more than being a legal drug pusher? When did the morals and ethics sink to the bottom of the toilet for you and your questionable medical degree?
Since you took the Hippocratic oath, what really led to you not caring as much about the welfare and overall health of your patients? If your inventory is shrinking, why don't you make some more of your natural remedies rather than scare your customers into buying your substandard medicine. Is it because you want to sell all your inventory at elevated prices an then retire on your own island in Philippines?
Nobody doubts that your natural remedies may help with their diabetes, high blood pressure, cholesterol, gout. toenail fungus, mold induced respiratory illness etc., but why are you trying to drive up the demand for your products with insincere and possibly fake inventory shortages promulgated via broadcast email bombing?
PureHealth Research
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