Do NOT Refi based on email contact
Realtors are prostitutes that just work at a slightly slower pace with sexual favors usually not part of the negotiations. Car salesmen work faster than both!
First thing I wanted to know when I got this email solicitation for a 2.5% fixed rate mortgage was whether is would be OK to have breast intercourse with the bra less washed up actress reduced to doing real estate advertisements.
The ad you see says no hidden fees or points, but that was I lie when I called them and they said it would cost me about $4500 to refi in order to save $80 a month on my mortgage payment!
NO THANKS and click! We checked with Michele Lerner who was a ton of help as far as avoiding Re Finance Scams and Rip offs. My Ex Wife also got a lot of assistance from Rebecca Lake who had even better tits than what you see in the pic!
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