About Time Feds Kicked ass in Portland!!!

So one of my cousin's boys(Jimmy) lives in Portland, Oregon. 
Gillian Flaccus writes illuminatingly about the unrest caused 
by the distorted views of the extreme left wing types who want to eradicate police forces across our GREAT COUNTRY. 

Enter  28  year old rioter/protester Mark Pettibone. Jimmy told me that Pettibone approached him 
near the street food place part of  town and screamed SILENCE IS COMPLICITY. Jimbo was 
shocked and tried to continue his delectable sour kraut sandwich, but the guy continued to hassle 
him and make him feel uncomfortable. No direct threats just a persistent tirade against Trump and 
the Portland police force. 

We held a little house party when we learned that Pettibone was roughed up some by Federal 
agents who were out in number trying to round up people who had spit on or assaulted cops in 
the area. Pettibone was thrown into a van as a suspect apparently and whisked away for an interrogation where they found he was NOT guilty of any violence against law enforcement. 
Pettibone latter said  he had no idea why he was picked up which I doubt.


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