Zoom Zoom Kabooom!
Who is not impressed with the enthusiasm of Ngniayie Nelong Euloge Flaubert for the online educational content delivery system Zoom. Teachers are swarming to this LMS in droves because the virulent COVID-19 killer bug is forcing them to stay home and school districts are still required to have some educational interaction with K-6 students. There are many teachers who actually use their white background shower stall to provide an upright backdrop to write their lessons on!! There is no convenient way to use Zoom to capture anything you may be writing on FLAT FUCKING desk top!
However, the burning question still persists. How in the hell can you write freehand comments on top of any "New Share" content that you may be presenting? The writing tools are OK but do not allow educators to write freely as they would on old fashioned chalkboard or the more modern dry erase.
Let's not forget the stress many fledgling online teachers are experiencing trying to teach remotely at home while taking care of kids that used to be taken care of by the school district for 8 hours a day including two free meals!!!
However, the burning question still persists. How in the hell can you write freehand comments on top of any "New Share" content that you may be presenting? The writing tools are OK but do not allow educators to write freely as they would on old fashioned chalkboard or the more modern dry erase.
Let's not forget the stress many fledgling online teachers are experiencing trying to teach remotely at home while taking care of kids that used to be taken care of by the school district for 8 hours a day including two free meals!!!
Kimmie Fink's Zoom primer is perhaps the best resource available for getting, down, dirty, and effective with this very cool teaching platform in less than 24 hours!!
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