Financiers and Drunk Indians

Dear Clarence O'Berry,

I read online that you are an entrepreneur who builds businesses and an investor in diverse business and business initiatives.  You also like to pushes boundaries.

By that do you mean sending official looking snail mail with FAKE CHECKS($35,000 see below pic) that are really nothing more than high interest rate loans designed to bankrupt anyone foolish enough to fall for your ploy? Is this what you mean by innovative thinking? I guess so if that means financially exploiting alcoholic native Americans who have maxed out all their credit cards and cannot even qualify for a payday loan since they don't earn a paycheck to back a loan that has around a 400% annual interest rate.

There is a place for your "geographic footprint" where the sun don't shine too brightly Mr O'Berry. I would expect the Chief Marketing Officer of Lyle Advisors to be more "innovative and creative" than mass mailing FAKE CHECKS(Document has a colored background, security features listed on back) to people with credit scores of greater than 650.

BTW Clarence you are getting slaughtered like a helpless lamb by 0% and NO FEE 15 month Balance transfer credit cards. You can not compete friend, so why don't you borrow some money from People of Earth Matter (POEM): Strategic Partnerships in Minot, North Dakota or is it Mandaree Enterprises, LLC to finance Seminary School while you still have time to save your soul?

I know you tried your hand at indigenous entrepreneurship dude and it did not work out. Inebriated Indians don't have much initiative do they Pal? Debt is a synonym for evil. You still have time to get out and switch your career to something for the common good Mr POEM. people of earth do matter Clarence so quit trying to deceive them with deceptive marketing schemes!!! If you are going to waste my time opening an official looking piece of snail mail(possibly exposed to COVID-19, DO NOT DISCARD ON ENVELOPE) then you will continue to get exposed in blogosphere.


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