The Thorny Problem of Inclusion Regarding Special needs Children

Back in 1994, a principled gentlemen named Tornillo had the guts to state that having retarded kids in the same classrooms as normally developed students was not a good idea. The Florida Education President spoke the truth then and it is still true that the normal/regular student have their education disrupted because of the flawed notion of inclusion.

The AFT in West Virginia conducted a poll that revealed 87% of the educators strongly believing that non retarded students will experience and inferior education if their classroom has to service special needs and special education students.They observed that kids with disabilities are monopolizing the time of stressed out teachers and utilizing an inordinate amount of resources to the detriment of the normal kids.

Some instances of physical confrontations were reported when the parents of retarded offspring were over demanding with school staff and principal.

A special education director in Roswell, New Mexico is caught right in the middle of this controversy presently. Mrs Bruns is having to face the criticisms of parents Marissa Moreno and Christina Belton-Bravo who believe that other RISD parents without special needs students are being judgmental when they favor excluding retarded students from "normal classrooms".

Parent Renee Fitts opposed the possibility of some kind of quarantine or containment of special needs students OR reductions in inclusive classroom educational practices.


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