Physics Tutoring as it relates to first surviving group of baby girl quintuplets in the USA

So High School Physics is damn hard stuff. The fact that some League City Texas folks rented out some retail space called the Tutoring Club is proof of this. The picture you see below was taken on a rainy day during Thanksgiving Holidays. My daughter just wanted to be in the same town as Hunk Adam Busby(of Hazel Basal fame!). She saw no signs of the five little girls so we departed to the Kemah Boardwalk.hoping to find the quints there, but no such luck.

We tried calling the Tutoring Club phone number 281 3380327 for some help with kinematic equations in two variables, inertia, inclined plane vector problems, F=ma Force equals mass times acceleration, coefficient of friction, normal force, acceleration due to gravity, and Newtons which I always thought were tasty cookies. 

My question is this joint just a club or do they actually charge an hourly fee for their services? If you could comment, I would gladly send you some tutoring business!!


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