
Showing posts from December, 2019

Consequences of the JLo Goose Jacket craze

The Negro woman with the high bun peacock looking haircut had just entered  the clothing store  Giblees in Danvers, Massachusetts. Her goal on this particular day was to bum rush her way pass store employes after stealing an expensive Canada Goose jacket. On other days, I am sure she spent her time casing joints she was going to rip off in her high end SUV get away car. National news footage showed her moving in rhythm to her famous gangsta music before she tore the pricey jacket from the rack and tried to force her way out of the store where she was confronted by loyal employees who almost knocked this BIG SISTA over with her heisted merchandise. So what could this Negro female(characteristic flared nostrils) burglar have been thinking? Didn't she know she would be on the stores video surveillance which would replay on all three major TV networks? I read on a forum that authorities know her name and plan on releasing the lowlife's identity after double checking....

Who Left 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo Running at Convenience Store

Close to Midnight some trusting soul left their vehicle running as they went inside to grab some smokes and a six pack at a convenience store in Roswell New Mexico United States of America. 18 year old Anthony Castaneda noticed this display of ignorance and was charged with the unlawful taking of a silver 2003 Chevy Monte Carlo. Tony is no model citizen having six traffic-related violations on his criminal record. So what would possess Tony to do something so obviously stupid. Many criminals are very intelligent and usually have a plant. My guess is that Castaneda had a chop shop in mind.He probably was going to take the ripped off vehicle to a business which would  disassemble it and sell its parts.  OR maybe he was a meth head who was behaving irrationally thinking he could actually get away with it, by evading police officers, despite the 500 block of West McGaffey Street Allsup's video surveillance!

Subtle Attack on Credit Card Deadbeats

Before we get started here, If you are a credit card Deadbeat that is a GOOD THING!! Gosh, I would love to hear what Julia Kagan thought about this latest gimmick promoted by American Express called Plan It which apparently is copyrighted by the credit card behemoth. According to industry parlance, a Deadbeat is an informal, rather rude, term for customer who pays off his or her balance in full and on time every month, avoiding the burden to pay off interest that would have accrued on their accounts. Note Deadbeats also do not get saddled with late fees! So, I am trying to figure out what this Plan It thing is. Amex markets it by calling it a way to "Create a plan for life's big moments", but it sounds like PAYMENT SYSTEM WITHIN ANOTHER PAYMENT SYSTEM. There is no additional interest charges, but a fixed fee for each one of these Plans you Build for charges you may not be able to financially handle in a particular billing cycle. A common example, would be someone...

We all have to sell out a little to get the Life we Want

Just read an opinion column written by Newt's daughter lamenting the frequent disrespect of God's grace that Americans see on a daily basis. She has her head buried in the sand if she believes intelligent discerning citizens see her as a moral beacon or compass! Her work history includes a corporate finance stint where she was the chief financial planner for Bell South Cellular, a  $3 billion wireless company. Not a particularly spiritually edifying occupation. Jackie Cushman, at least, realized she was selling her soul to the profitability of corporate America.  So she got behind the pulpit and denounced Whoopi Goldberg and John McCain's daughter for getting into a verbal fight on national TV. Comon Miss Gingrich!, they are creating fake controversy to drive up the number of viewers so the commercial advertisers will pay more for ad spots!  Does that sound familiar? Remind you of your corporate profit mercenary days at Bell South? They have both sold out to corp...

Nobody Deserves to get SWATTED

The scofflaws that that swatted the home of author  Ijeoma Oluo should be punished harshly for wasting valuable law enforcement resources. In case you did not know, to swat someone's residence means to communicate a false report to the police which was an alleged double murder at Oluo's domicile where her teenage son was home alone. No mother should have endure the extreme anxiety and fear the activist Black woman experienced that day. Now that all the "due respect" is out of the way, Miss Oluo makes a living selling books positing the United States of America is a white supremacist country. So she produces significant income writing about a false assumption which will piss off a few people along the away leading to the recent highly illegal prank played on her. She confuses the existence of some white supremacist citizens with the erroneous labeling of the ENTIRE country as being white supremacist. She also refuses to acknowledge that well over 90% of white poli...

Med Students organize Photo Opportunity at a Slave Plantation

A Black medical student has obviously been lost in space for the last 3 or 4 years. Russell Ledet didn't seem to be aware that respect for Doctors has declined significantly during this period. Ledet organized a photo op of around 12 black medical students attired in the once respected iconic doctor image of white coats while assembling at the former slave housing of  a Cajun plantation.  Ledet then arrogantly declared that his group of in medical school debt Negros "are our ancestors' wildest dreams". Would his admiring slave ancestors have known how many people cheat their way through Med School or do not even know what the units of a blood pressure reading are? The majority of physicians these days are prostitutes to blood tests and insurance companies. They do NOT do any real "doctoring". They are mere legal drug pushers with no more intelligence than a custodian or skilled laborer. Ledet's own commentary in NBC interview was not articulate or ...

I still love my Flirting Husband

So, I recently self-diagnosed myself as somebody who has to watch her blood sugar. My A1C was 5.9%(percentage of red blood cells hemoglobin coated with sugar/glucose) which was not down quite enough after the usual gestational diabetes during our fourth pregnancy(Only three children due to skateboard induced miscarriage-hell getting blood stains off sidewalk). Fasting glucose averages around 109 milligrams per deciliter, but before meal readings average close to 96. I am sure dietician Ben Tzeel would concur that I am not diabetic. This means my pancreas is still making its own insulin and don't have to take Metformin(no thanks to nausea and upset stomachs!!) Again no doctor required who would charge $250 even after insurance for bloodwork I can do myself. I CAN conclusively answer question about button batteries required for ACU CHEK Guide Glucometer. The literature with the device states that ONLY the button cell CR2032 can be used. THIS IS FALSE! Hubby, probably because he w...

Tooth Picks in the Keyhole and Grass Brownies

So the addict and drug dealer played by Al Pacino sneaks into the hospital after visiting hours have ended, and makes friends with an artist/addict named Helen. She was trying to rehab, but was spending a lot of time with the affable addict who was still using and selling injectable addictive substances like heroin. The movie about Needle Park in NYC was a little too lax about the dangers of addiction featuring way too many scenes showing off Pacino's handsomely infectious smile. One scene involved a druggie burglar who bragged about putting toothpicks in Apartment door locks so the thief could hear the tenant entering, giving the substance abuser a chance to get away with stolen goods that would help him support his life threatening habit. From a Movie Review perspective, I wonder if book author James Mills intended for the film to have such a laid back and mellow message to young viewers who might be battling alcohol and drug dependency?  The EVERYTHING IS OK ideology work...

Seals and Crofts Lyrics connects to Gun Violence

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine, blowing through the Jasmine in my mind December 13, 2019 was another ignominious day in the seat of Chaves County,NM whose economy hopelessly depends on state spending at a Military School and a dairy entity that is the most prolific mozzarella cheese manufacturer in the entire world. There is some accounting work done for booming petroleum industry in West Texas, but overall very few decent jobs. This seat is a North Side South Side divided town, with much of the gun violence happening in the southeast region of town much like its neighbor to the North Albuquerque. Miss Martinez, age 29, was gunned down by a felon boyfriend in the 200 block of east Deming which is just barely located in that crime-infested part of town. This felon, Jimmy Aragon, was arrested for killing her and tampering with evidence. The death sentence would prevent Aragon from doing it again to some other trusting soul looking for love. She was a good mother who would rat...

The Thorny Problem of Inclusion Regarding Special needs Children

Back in 1994, a principled gentlemen named Tornillo had the guts to state that having retarded kids in the same classrooms as normally developed students was not a good idea. The Florida Education President spoke the truth then and it is still true that the normal/regular student have their education disrupted because of the flawed notion of inclusion. The AFT in West Virginia conducted a poll that revealed 87% of the educators strongly believing that non retarded students will experience and inferior education if their classroom has to service special needs and special education students.They observed that kids with disabilities are monopolizing the time of stressed out teachers and utilizing an inordinate amount of resources to the detriment of the normal kids. Some instances of physical confrontations were reported when the parents of retarded offspring were over demanding with school staff and principal. A special education director in Roswell, New Mexico is caught right ...

Medical Professional Melancholy

I could sense the burnout my doctor was experiencing as he went over the results of my blood work during our last visit. He honestly admits to his patients that insurance companies pretty much dictate the words that come out of his mouth regarding potential treatments and medications. He can not help his patients the way he wants to. Blue Cross Blue Shield only pays for Triglyceride test every other 3 month visit for example. So a previous visit to my overworked and slightly depressed physician revealed a 175 Triglyceride level which is a little high, but the new blood panel did not even include a new Triglyceride level reading. This means after waiting 3 months to see if my dietary changes had helped, I have wait another 3 months!!!! The doctor did not inform me that the Tri reading was not on the printout. I only discovered this after I went home and noticed it was missing. I called doctor's office and, of course, could not speak with him when his assistant told me of the n...

VP consolidation goal of creating better student Experience

The president at a community college in southeastern New Mexico is recommending a personnel change to "improve student outcomes". This change involves turning two vice presidents into a single VP which will remove one salary and expensive health care benefits from the University Budget, but REMEMBER this is all about improving completion and persistence and STUDENT OUTCOMES. It has nothing to do with the fact that more money will be freed up to increase salaries of other employees including the the high man on the totem pole. In fact, President Shawn Powell said the whole thing was planned by the employees and would not lead to the firing of any workers. In this age of work place violence, any removal of high paying positions has to be considered carefully and appropriate security measures taken when that pink slip comes. So that must mean that neither the vice president of academic affairs nor the VP of student affairs will be terminated. One of them will be wearing a n...

Physics Tutoring as it relates to first surviving group of baby girl quintuplets in the USA

So High School Physics is damn hard stuff. The fact that some League City Texas folks rented out some retail space called the Tutoring Club is proof of this. The picture you see below was taken on a rainy day during Thanksgiving Holidays. My daughter just wanted to be in the same town as Hunk Adam Busby(of Hazel Basal fame!). She saw no signs of the five little girls so we departed to the Kemah Boardwalk.hoping to find the quints there, but no such luck. We tried calling the Tutoring Club phone number 281 3380327 for some help with kinematic equations in two variables, inertia, inclined plane vector problems, F=ma Force equals mass times acceleration, coefficient of friction, normal force, acceleration due to gravity, and Newtons which I always thought were tasty cookies.  My question is this joint just a club or do they actually charge an hourly fee for their services? If you could comment, I would gladly send you some tutoring business!!

Tortured online gaming souls.

Hi, I am reaching out to the community of online gamers to determine the well being of an online chess player who goes by the name of Brian Rugg when he plays. May not be his real name , but he gets really angry when he loses and disconnects which results in a forfeited game. I know for a fact it is  not the realtor or real estate agent broker who serves the vibrant Sun City Texas community. The gentlemen who can't control his temper and is a sore loser faces serious anger management issues and I could hook him up with some mental health professionals who could help diffuse his pent up frustration and anxiety. There fees for first time customers are more the reasonable. So please help me to help this poor tormented soul who could use some spiritual edification. The holiday season is known to be a tough time for many and I would like to give Brian the Gift of concern!

Filling out that CV or Resume

Did any of you read CV and Resume article written by hiring talent recruiter Gary Burnison? Mr Burnison has no concern for your personal growth objectives and emphatically states to leave them off your curriculum vitae if you want to go to work for him. Would you want to work for a guy who has no regard for your strengths and ambitions? What is sad is many young graduating college seniors, eager to find their first job, will take Gary's pontificating as the gospel truth! I do understand why the chief executive officer of Korn Ferry would eschew the following Resume career objective "Looking for an opportunity to make a difference and change the world" This is obviously the work of  some airhead with no marketable skills being overly dramatic! Do not despair over one man's opinion emerging work force. You can still LAND THE JOB the old fashioned way by letting your potential future employers know what MAKES YOU TICK by enumerating those aspirations on your Resume...

Varying Property Tax Grace Periods

Paying property taxes can be a burden on home owners. Home improvements, plumber's bills, appliance replacement/repair, exterminator fees, interior decorating and the costly list continues! So just when you think you are going to be able to save some of that paycheck, here comes that quarterly or every 6 months dreaded property tax bill. Cherry Hill, NJ kindly gives its citizens a 10 day grace period without any delinquency fees or penalties. Chaves County in New Mexico has a 1% penalty PER MONTH which appears to be equivalent to a ONE MONTH GRACE period where no penalties or interest will be charged to the income challenged(poor) citizens of Roswell. The county also has a very accommodating and sympathetic Treasurer's office. So thank you Alien City for being understanding to your poor, tired, and huddled masses. Judith Lohman points out that the one month grace period that is implicit in the phrase "1% penalty PER MONTH" may not really exist in some municipalit...

Boorish Adult Basketball Fans

Incivility and disrespect abound these days in our nation's basketball arenas. The photograph you see below in such an example. A Clarendon, Texas Junior College basketball fan had been berating game officials all night whining and crying on almost every call that went against her team. I don't think former alumni William Clarence "Bill" Sarpalius would have condoned the behavior of this loud, high-heeled, disrespectful fanatic of her community college team. She literally screamed at officials and sometimes talked to the players on a first name basis almost as if she was the wife of the coach. So do abused referees have any recourse when dealing with obnoxious, immature adults who constantly yell at them during the game?  A fascinating article by Joe Haefner and Don Kelbick describes options that game officials have with regard to ejecting out of control fans from the game. High school official Jimmy Casas, from Seattle Washington, put up with horrible criticism ...

Why is Markeda Rivera getting away with such horrid behavior??

Chris Struges defends scum, like Markeda Rivera, who has spit on police officers, attempted to steal cars from Albuquerque dealership, ran over a group people in downtown area, shattered a 60 gallon aquarium, threatened a leasing agent at an apartment complex, and apparently tried to kill herself by laying down in traffic. Counselor Struges employed the feeble argument that reprobate and lowlife Rivera has never been convicted of a felony, therefore she should be presumed innocent.  Lawyer Christopher knows this is only because Duke City court and legal system  is sooooo BROKEN . Google and Apple chose not to set up shop here because of the alarming crime rate so common in liberal cities who believe in rehabilitating criminals who are incorrigible and keep killing people or driving drunk until they murder somebody with their vehicle. Read article by  Louis Casiano about Mississippi citizen Shelley Rose and vehicular homicide. Philadelphia columnist...

If this happened Therapist should lose license

What appears to be a former stepdad, fondled, felt-up, or sexually forced himself upon his stepdaughter. The mother of the victim said she did not report the incident to law enforcement  because a therapist she had retained indicated police would NOT believe her. The 59 year old Roswell,NM man can not be charged with incest since he is not blood related. One has to wonder if this same "professional therapist" was rendering service to the stepdad as well and was afraid of lost income if dad gets thrown in the slammer for digitally stimulating the young females. Rutilio Aguirre was taken into the custody by Chaves County Sheriff's office according to Judge Hunter, who used to work at Kraft Law Firm. Defense attorney, Debra Lautenschlager, was amenable to this outcome where it appears the 59 year old male is guilty of assaulting his former daughters. Aguirre, predictably, did not take responsibility for his deplorable conduct, blaming it on excessive alcohol consumption...