A night out at the Karaoke Bar a Poor Decision
65 year old man went to Karaoke Bar to drink beer, sing, and see some tits and ass. The sixty five year old man caught the Corona Virus. 65 year old man died and his 39 year old daughter blamed it on President Trump.
The name of the 39 year old woman is Kristin Urquiza who said that her father trusted our chief executive of the United States and it was Trump's fault her elder father is deceased. It is pretty clear DEAD DAD never watched the news and was not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Daughter is another member of the class of the self entitled professional victims who blame every problem they have on the government and expect to keep on sucking on the unemployment tit and stimulus payments.
I suspect her father had at least three conditions that made him susceptible to COVID-19. 1. Functional alcoholic 2. Diabetic 3. Possibly a smoker and maybe even hypertension high blood pressure.
I guess it all makes sense Kristin is so far left, she can not see her right arm like so many other impractical, it is always the government's fault, Berkeley mentally stunted liberals. The Arizona native does have some intelligence which CLEARLY CAME FROM HER MOTHER'S SIDE
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