
Showing posts from August, 2020

The Meek shall Get Screwed by the Powers that Be

 Thou dost presume too much,poor needy wretch, To claim a station in the firmament.    Thoreau was fond of this line by T. Carew which attacks the ignorant Christian precept that "the meek shall inherit the earth". Indeed modern day historian Joseph Atwill has shown that Jesus Christ was fiction created by Titus Flavius and Vespasian to subdue the Jews who refused to worship Caesar. Titus is the son of God and Vespasian is God.  The "zealot citizens of Judea" prophesied a militaristic God to free them from the shackles of Roman Rule, but the Romans gave them the fictitious "turn the other cheek" Jesus Christ. You see, the Romans promised the Jews that if they would be meek, they would rule the world after their death.  Many of the Jews bought this hook,line, and sinker and the Romans, laughing their asses off, were spared the expense of a military campaign!!! Like Ron Hubbard, Roman rulers invented a religion that benefited them ONLY. Even Malcolm X knew t...

Well maintained and reasonably priced campground in touristy part of New Mexico USA

In this worrisome Corona Virus era, many Americans with means take to the road. The perception is COVID is unlikely to kill you in the ventilated outdoors. So as weary travelers we happened upon this campground with a Tepee, constructed from Pine logs,  in the village of Ruidoso New Mexico USA. It was located not too far from the intersection of Sudderth and Mechem not too distant from a fine dining establishment named Tina's. Don't have their delectable Coconut cream pie if you are diabetic or struggle with controlling your blood sugar.  We can not think of the name of RV/camping area in middle of the city, but did meet a very pleasant gentleman named Ross McClure. Also the lady, Ana, who appears to own and run the weekend getaway was ultra friendly and accommodating. I was disappointed in commentary by Brian Dameron who felt the pet owner accommodations were substandard.  Ana was not gestapo about donning masks even though some of the guests were taking libert...

H.D. Thoreau did NOT denounce gossip

 During Henry's walks in the Village he claimed that gossip taken in homeopathic doses was as invigorating and refreshing as the rustle of leaves and the croaking of frogs in the secluded part of the woods the recluse resided.  This begs the question: What did the word homeopathic mean to the great spiritualist author way back in the 19th century? In other words did Thoreau believe gossip served a good function. The term homeopathy is related to alternative medicine or natural remedies these days, but I sort of think the Walden Pond writer meant "small amounts" of back stabbing gossip were not necessarily bad if it warned the villagers and citizens of evil intent.  I am soooo certain that ELIZABETH WELLINGTON could add much truth and insight to this thread of interest. Also Susan Margolin is no lightweight regarding the potential damaging effects of loose lips in the Concord, Massachusetts region!

Drug Addict alleges law enforcement officer caused traffic collision

 The law firm Banks and Gillett appear to be one of the most respected legal teams in the US when dealing with that razor thin distinction between possession and intent to distribute. A young lady in Roswell New Mexico might be interested in retaining the services of these Oklahoma legal eagles.  Alisha Danielle Finney was charged with possession of  an addictive controlled substances. The article in newspaper did not indicate whether the addict intended to distribute the dangerous drug for her own profit. So I don't know if she could be indicted for Section 30-31-20: Trafficking along with a possible felony possession? Some time after her arrest,Finney sued Chaves county because of a collision with a law enforcement  officer who she alleges was driving erratically. She sustained serious injuries. She claims a Sheriff's deputy hit her as she was turning left. Since she is a known drug user, I wonder if she signaled? Many drug addicts suffer from diminished capacity a...

Mr Smiley wants to triple his Salary in Washington

 So the female Italian meteorologist uses her sex appeal to the point nobody cares whether she knows the text book definition of barometric pressure's relation to dew point. Weather news viewers are just hoping for more skin tight clothing to fuel their fantasies and wet dreams. Also I doubt Gabriela Grechi aspires to political office. However, the smile you see in the pic has an entirely different motive. The pearly whites want to end up in Washington as a GOP Senator enjoying a $174,000 salary minus the burden of studying weather data.  Pretty Boy Mark is right about the incumbent's voting record being way out of line with the "best interests" of The Land of Enchantment. Travis Brimm's mismanagement  bears that burden which might cost Lujan in his attempt to get reelected.  The UNM poly sci teacher did not really understand that Ben's  "hiding from the voters" is a carefully orchestrated strategy  designed to exploit Ronchetti's diminished poli...

Dental Vanity Shaming

 A very eye opening and information packed article by Florence Williams came to mind when I saw this vanity shaming dentist advertisement on a Blog somewhere out there in cyberspace. The article containing the picture of the shill was about a small town either in New Mexico or Texas. It was Kermit,Carlsbad, or Roswell if memory serves.  The pic is an eyeless female with a missing Lateral Incisor or maybe third Canine, and it is a power play, make the patient feel self-conscious type of ad! The woman in the ad does not have any problems with oral health which should be the first aim of honorable dentistry.  Also note that the billboard is next to an old beat up abandoned building in some ghost town where the percentage of citizens with bad, decayed, and unsightly teeth is probably high. Like they can afford to pay for expensive implants to begin with!!!!! So I would ask Doctors Brown and Maupin to educate the people of their town regarding prevention of cavities ...

A night out at the Karaoke Bar a Poor Decision

 65 year old man went to Karaoke Bar to drink beer, sing, and see some tits and ass. The sixty five year old man caught the Corona Virus. 65 year old man died and his 39 year old daughter blamed it on President Trump.  The name of the 39 year old woman is Kristin Urquiza who said that her father trusted our chief executive of the United States and it was Trump's fault her elder father is deceased. It is pretty clear DEAD DAD never watched the news and was not the sharpest tool in the shed.  Daughter is another member of the class of the self entitled professional victims who blame every problem they have on the government and expect to keep on sucking on the unemployment tit and stimulus payments.  I suspect her father had at least three conditions that made him susceptible to COVID-19. 1. Functional alcoholic  2. Diabetic 3. Possibly a smoker   and maybe even hypertension high blood pressure. I guess it all makes sense Kristin is so far left, she...

Hazardous Egress caused by property owner on sidewalk affixed to his lot

 Sidewalks are public passageways, but many property owners believe they can assemble on sidewalks or treat the sidewalk as an extension of their property. The following picture shows a property owner routing a hazardous electrical extension cord across cement walkway to supply energy to his Stellar Trailer. Our daughter plays Hopscotch during the day, but erases the chalk marks and gets out of the way when pedestrians approach, BUT the owner of this trailer illegally leaves electrical cord laying on a sometimes wet sidewalk ALL NIGHT LONG Lionel Richie!!!  I do know that in Naperville, Illinois, you would be fined for doing this, but the owner of this property at 1309 Sorrento Drive in Roswell NM does not seem to care that the dangerously placed cord could easily trip and injure his neighbors. We observed a police officer drive by who obviously noticed the hazardously placed extension cord. He patrolled right on by without blinking an eye.   The owner of trailer wh...

Getting Financially Gouged at Hospital

 Research estimates as much as 58% of students have cheated while in medical school. Also any estimate of cheating is likely underestimated for simple reason cheaters are also liars when it comes polls or surveys. Read the findings of Kenneth D. Royal for more depth and breadth on this disturbing truth.  So the next time you shake your doctor's hand, that same hand was once covered with crib notes for a midterm human physiology exam. The snail mail advertisement you see was sent by Naishadh A. Mankad, MD who used to practice medicine in Hobbs, NM USA. Doctor Mankad promises to deliver high-quality medical attention and a lotta love and compassion at Lovelace Health Care Center in Roswell, New Mexico.  Lovelace Regional tried to rip us off bad a few months ago when my daughter went in for some GP referral  Echography on her kidneys. The referring doctor told us Lovelace would not ask for any out of pocket money AND that our BCBS would be billed for the diagn...

Water Wars Southwest of Taos

 A gentleman/farmer/cattleman is alleged to be misusing his irrigation head gate similar to the one you see below. He has four ponds on his property that he is filling up with precious water from a dwindling snow melt source. Cody Hooks wrote about this 2 years ago and the water hogging issue is far from being resolved. The New Mexico Rural Water Association (NMRWA) is tasked with the oversight and regulation of the water supplied by the Rio Santa Barbara.  Citizen Ray Gallegos has done his part in publicizing the water theft in Penasco. I believe I heard an interview with the aggrieved citizen on NPR conducted by a Miss Mendoza. A Mr Andy Martinez is the mayordomo(in English that is a steward of natural resources) of the Santa Barbara ditch. Apparently the steward of the vital livestock sustaining water has had no luck with the alleged perpetrator Armando Sanchez. There are some reports of the accused being combative and armed. In Armando's defense, his property seems to...

American Paparazzi

 Dear Matthew Radulski,  The problem with that unique Polish surname of yours is that you are easy to follow with Google.  The article you wrote about John Travolta leaving the ripoff/destroy families Church of Scientology will sully and irreversibly ruin any writing career to which you may aspire. I DID NOT click on any of your ads in article you penned at which was supposedly an attempt to refute the claims Disco King's wife Kelly Preston has passed away prompting Travolta to leave L. Ron Hubbard's bastard of a religion.  So no ad revenue for you or your tabloid employer Matt. I am guessing the Paparazzi predator who was chasing Lady Di prior to her fatal high speed crash is your role model!!! Read Alyssa Bailey. Maybe your are young enough to turn your life around and stop selling whatever remnants of your soul that remain!!!!!

1925 Film Connection to our Political Maelstrom

 A digitally restored Charlie Chaplin silent film reminded one of the calamitous state of USA politics.  The scene was three guys stuck together in cabin located in Alaska Gold Rush Era. Two of the guys fighting over a gun managed to continuously point the rifle at the other guy. Three guesses on the higher up who symbolizes the gun pointing.  I am certain Scottish female Suzanne Kelly would be able to produce copious Trump bashing metaphors after viewing the silent comedy/drama.  Baltimore newspaper man Richard E. Vatz tries to remain neutral and objective, but finds that is impossible after enumerating multiple instances of our chief executives deranged mindset. I believe Richard soundly refutes the fools who believe COVID deaths are COMPLETELY our beloved leader's fault. 

Another Surprise Medical Bill from Out of State

 It is common knowledge around the World that health care in the United States is grossly unfair and predatory. Many Americans are now FORCED to work well beyond their planned retirement to make ends meet regarding exorbitant bills from low quality surgeons and doctors. We received this bill from High Plains Radiological Association(HPRA) in Amarillo,Texas. It was impossible to figure out where they came up with the $45 balance due if you examine the payments/adjustments amount in the itemization.Moreover a patient has no way of knowing what any medical procedure costs these days forcing us to all just trust the greedy physicians and insurance companies.  It gets worse. The Echography and X-rays were done at a Lovelace Regional in New Mexico and we get a friggin bill from Texas location 60 days later!!! You would think a town the size of Santa Fe would have the resources to not have send it to Amarillo to be interpreted!!!!!! kristi howe,tina pfeifer,Aaron Floyd,Sierra Da...

Interest rate fluctuations online banks

A few months Capital One Bank sent us a promotional offer promising they would deposit $450 in our 360 account approximately three months after we deposited $55,000 of new money in the account always maintaining a balance that exceeds 50 K. At the time the interest rate or APR was 1%. The rate has since fallen to 0.6% without any notice from the online bank. At least Amex will notify you they are lowering their rates which are prevailing at 1 per cent(almost twice the earnings rate of Capital One) after being as high as 2.1% pre COVID. If this continues we will just transfer the 55 Grand back to Amex. The Cha Ching of 450 dollar longevity bonus will actually probably keep us from that drastic measure.  BTW Hillbilly Jose Medeiros has a beautiful perspective on dealing with Corona virus as a mountain man. Sorry sooo off topic!!  

Public Figures Monetizing their Name

Many 50 year old people remember the LA Laker cheerleader turned MTV star singer/dancer.  Saw her today on TV showing off that limber body back in 1989. Well I guess the MTV revenue was not sufficient as Paula Abdul took some money from an arthritis drug company for the rights to that video. Many fading entertainers like Tom Selleck, who generates income promoting the known reverse mortgage scam, attempt to leverage whatever name recognition remains in the fading embers.  A New Mexico weatherman named Ronchetti sold his soul to Donald Trump in a bid to win a US GOP Senate seat. I know the 46 year old native of Vermont had to be exceeding the $57,000 average pay of meteorology professionals. I know he is well aware of the $174,000 salary of a United Sates Senator and its actually hard to blame him If Mark would only read the writings of Anas Alhajji regarding OPEC injustices and the horrible price fixing that goes on with the World's precious oil supply. Also, if he gets t...

Finding a Probate Attorney who charges reasonable Rates.

Something has been bothering me for some time concerning the legal affairs of my parents.  We can start with a definition to make matters a little more clear: A probate lawyer is a state licensed attorney who "helps"  the executors and the beneficiaries of an estate to settle the affairs of the decedent including how much money and property is split up between quarreling heirs. . Back to what is pissing me off. Why do attorneys make so much money off of people dying? Real Estate agent Vivian Black has written thoughtfully about this controversial topic.  We have been stuck in Roswell,NM much longer than intended due to COVID and pressing family matters. Our time here makes us well aware of tending to the legal disposition of our aging parent's estate which almost always involves a probate attorney.  We naturally tried to acquaint ourselves with these legal fees not expecting the cost of retaining a probate lawyer to be even worse than the ridiculously high price...