Santa Fe Attorney with a long history of dissatisfied Clints

Attorney Nathaniel V. Thompkins did his best to sound like a competent ambulance chaser when he stated police officer had no "reasonable or probable" cause to pursue a reckless an out of control driver who was endangering every other motorist on the road. The police pursued vehicle hit another guy who retained the services of a not so  bright Santa Fe NM counselor who has horrible ratings and reviews online. His ignorant usage of probable underscores his illiteracy on legal terminology as the dollar signs are flashing in his Wife's eyes. 

One can only hope that Rudy Vialpando drops him or Nate will get more of the injury settlement than Rudy! I feel soooo bad for NMSP Officer Emanuel Rodriguez for having to deal with this frivolous lawsuit initiated by an unprincipled man who worships the almighty dollar
  • I would not recommend Mr. Thompkins, he does not fight/litigate for the best interests of his clients. He prefers to go to court instead of settling because he makes way more money doing so. He is embarrassing in court often stuttering and is not familiar with the facts of the case, egregiously prevaricates and  lies, clients have to correct him, doesn't take care of his part of the job after a hearing (like drawing up documents and orders). He conducts business in a hostile and unprofessional environment, fights with his wife/assistant and clients. Highly UNrecommended.
  • We had a unforgettable NIGHTMARE with N. Thompkins and wife Bina; poor communication, doesn't answer clients' questions, is confused at times maybe due to diabetes, screams at the client, lies, no discernible  strategy, Thinks of himself first, doesn't file properly,laughs at the person he is presumable defending, can't spell, can't reason well and gouges with extreme overbilling. The NM Board of discipline should do something about this person.DEAD SERIOUS ABOUT THIS SHYSTER!!!
  • Nate has produced a 6 or 7 year pattern of dereliction in his litigation duties! Do not retain this guy who had to cheat his way through law school and bar exam.
  • I sought his services regarding a landlord/tenant mess. I paid a retainer fee upfront. He did not work on my case. Paperwork was not filed in a timely and accurate fashion, the value of the case was inflated as well as fees charged, and my case was dropped right after the settlement. The fees just happen to be exactly what the settlement was for. When I went to the office after repeated calls unreturned, Bina his paralegal and wife ran to the door to lock it. I was treated like I was harassing them but I was just a concerned client. Since then other clients have gotten together to share their stories and this is a common act. Seven clients of The NM Firm experienced the same thing is a pattern.


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