A Financial Wolf in Wolf's clothing

A gentleman by the name of Scott Sanborn sent us an official looking envelope via USA snail mail. You can view the picture of it at the bottom of this post. The CEO of Lending Club indicated we should open the letter at once since it contained important information. Scott also let us know that tampering with US mail may result in possible fine and incarceration. I guess Mr Sanborn did this to make it seem like the loan offer he enclosed was important.

Scott, from the depth of his soul, wants to help all the poor folks consolidate their debt by transferring their high interest credit card debt to even higher rates with LendingClub.

This was all very touching to me, so I did some research on Scottie boy. His net worth is 12 million USD and his annual salary as a lending executive is over $6,500,000.

In case you haven't figured it out, how do you think Scott's 6.5 million dollar salary is paid?


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