Never ending torrent of snail mail Clutter

So most of you have received many pieces of snail mail where the solicitor or advertiser of a service DEMANDS IMMEDIATE ATTENTION with implied threats or fines if recipient does not respond immediately. We got one of those today from Brian Werger, an agent of Trustage Insurance company, and his partner in crime Marsha Swanson who we were compelled to rush our correspondence back to. Brian's ruse was $5000 worth of free life insurance if you just went to the trouble to fill out the clumsy paperwork and return it postage free. This is around the 10th such unwanted advertisement we have received from Brian and Marsha. We emailed him at alerting him to the fact we DID NOT WANT TO SEE OUR MAIL BOX CLUTTERED WITH HIS STUFF. We did this 3 months ago and he persists in sending us CUNA Mutual Group's consumer brand promotional materials anyway!! I guess Miss Swanson, who may also be a Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage real estate agent work...