People who live in rent-stabilize Apartments should have fewer Privileges

Plenty of NYC citizens live in rent-stabilized apartments.

The following snippet from an article written by Jennifer  Peltz details how some renters living in rent-stabilized apartments are mad that that they don't get the same benefits as market-rate renters.

Nobody treats me like a second-class citizen in my own home," says Jean Green Dorsey, who filed a complaint with the city Human Rights Commission this spring over her Manhattan building's fitness center. She and fellow rent-stabilized tenants aren't allowed to enter it despite a willingness to pay a fee; market-rate renters use it gratis.

First things first, Jean Green Dorsey is confused about the notion of home ownership. Jean you are a renter and you only have the opportunity to complain because you are paying lower rent due to tax payer dollars making up the difference in what the market-rate renters pay and you pay.

You do not live in "my own home". You live in the landlords home, so yes you can be told what you can and can not have access to. The fitness center is for tenants who don't have to rely on government handouts to live where they want to live. 

You are lucky to even be living there. Stop your whining and be appreciative with what you have. Your attitude is oh so typical of the despicable entitlement ethos so many below average Americans have these days. You are an expert out knowing where to go and complain. Why don't you convert that expertise into finding a better job so that you can actually pay for the things you want!


  1. Kostner Guyton writes thoughtfully about the topic "should tenants be responsible for yard or lawn maintenance?" Kostner did not mention that this is completely negotiable between landlord and renters. Also nothing matters but what is on the lease!!!


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