
Showing posts from August, 2014

Is Suicide Always Wrong?

This is intended as a rant against all those who unconditionally oppose suicide. Frank Stack, 82, died after he shot himself, while Joan Stack, 82, Mary Stack, 57, and Francis Stack, 49, had all been murdered, according to the initial findings from the DuPage County Coroner's office. All had been shot in the head.  The coroner's office did not say whether Frank Stack had shot his wife, Mary, and Francis. The DuPage County court records, said the adult children of Frank and Joan suffered from severe mental disabilities and were in residential care programs.  Only those who have raised retarded or severely mentally disabled children have the right to weigh in on this one in my humble opinion. The burden of raising healthy and capable children is challenging enough these days and my hat is off to any couple who can preserve their sanity while raising retarded progeny! I have so much sympathy and compassion for Frank Stack and his wife for lasting as long as they did...

Where have all the Gay Bath Houses Gone

I guess this really not much of rant but more of an historical account of the history and unintended function of bath houses. Bathhouses in the United States were built in many of the larger cities to maintain and promote public hygiene among the lower socioeconomic social strata and immigrant communities. Chicago and NYC each had around 20 public bathhouses. But guess what happens when naked people sit next to each other? Since our major function is to procreate, discharging sperm to unite with egg cells is certainly an important activity for our species to survive. If we do not remain adept at it, then we will become one of the many extincted species this planet has seen. Even if a male has to "practice" with another male getting sperm from testicles to outside the body is imperative even if it ends up somebody's mouth or colon. As Matt Hamilton points out, most folks have their own showers these days and public bath houses are not a necessity. The gay bath hous...

Let's LOSE this Victimless Crime

Everybody has heard the pithy claim that prostitution is a victimless crime. This writer certainly agrees with this proposition as the only victim of prostitution is,perhaps, the prostitute themselves. We are all prostitutes to some extent. We brown nose our boss to improve our job security and we tend to flatter anybody who might have the influence to make our lives easier. Its hard to be faulted for that type of behavior as self preservation is an attribute we all possess.  I am extremely impressed the values of a Chicago Judge who has implemented an intensive two year program which gives women who are arrested and have plead guilty to prostitution charges the opportunity to attend rehabilitation and receive counseling and job training. Judge Rosemary Grant Higgins is a major advocate of the WINGS program which stands for Women in Need of Gender Specific Services.  Higgins apparently understands that the world's oldest profession is not going away and is looking fo...

Second Amendment and Roswell, New Mexico

Despite all the mass shootings in public places by punk kids and adults with automatic and semiautomatic weapons, the redneck country bumpkins in Roswell,NM still don't want their second amendment rights encroached upon. Read the scan of the article in the RDR with the sign at the Western Frontier Gun and Craft Show. Yes, the sign reads If guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns . If the rednecks would only replace guns with automatic weapons, then the argument would be sound. We have relatives in Roswell and enjoy visiting for many reasons including the exceptionally friendly people and the beautiful sunsets, BUT Roswell has its roots as a cattle trail town with brothels and Saloons and gambling. All of this is, of course, accompanied by gun toting Cowboys who would shoot you if you messed with or stole their horse. There are very few shootings in Roswell that are of the crazy ilk notwithstanding the kid that had a screw loose at Berrendo Middle School. His par...

Starting with Graffiti and Ending with Murder

Just read a Reuter's article about a police chief near San Antonio getting shot to death during a traffic stop. The dead officer's name is Michael Pimentel  and he died of multiple gunshot wounds during a struggle with a motorist around noon in Elmendorf, a rural community of about 1,500 people just southeast of San Antonio, according to Bexar County Sheriff Susan Pamerleau. The shooter's name is Joshua Manuel Lopez, 24, who was taken into custody on charges of capital murder of a police officer. When Lopez was stopped, he was wanted on a misdemeanor warrant for graffiti. I feel for the young 24 year old tagger whose life could have been turned around, but now will either die of lethal injection or spend the rest of his years locked up with hardened convicts who have sex with any young man they desire in return for protection from prison gangs. Lopez had no discernible reason to kill the police chief with such a minor infraction as graffiti on his record. There wi...

"Unarmed Black Teenagers" and their community destroying actions

Ryan Foley's excellent AP article provides support to the claim that some black communities in the United States keep victimizing themselves over and over because one of their irresponsible, unaccountable, criminal types continue to cause problems at the expense of the honest and hard working Blacks which are in the majority. Angelia Dickens has not been able to go to work since Michael Brown was shot by a police officer who was defending himself from a violent attack by a thief and a criminal who is still being labeled as an "unarmed black teen" by a media that distorts the truth so much it can no longer be trusted. So why don't all you demonstrators admit that Michael Brown put himself in harm's way by his actions and get off the streets and let the city of Ferguson rest a little from all this stress you are creating because you won't admit Michael Brown was a thug who pushed it too far! The police did NOT shoot just a boy. They shot a 6 foot 4 in...

Two New York Times Reporters with Nothing Else to Write about

This post wishes to expose the hypocrisy of New York Times reporters PETER BAKER and JULIE HIRSCHFELD DAVIS. Both reporters have certainly attended funerals or hospitals where pain and suffering were pervasive only to escape the melancholy by going to a bar or enjoying an evening out with a loved one? These two reporters, apparently with nothing newsworthy to report, were highly critical of Obama for playing golf just after declaring he was devastated by the murder of James Foley. There are horrible tragedies pretty much daily worldwide where our president is expected to express his views. What do these two promulgators of the news expect him to do? Go into morning for at least 48 hours. Baker and Davis would have a better chance of preserving their tenuous reputations as reporters by keeping their mouth shut rather printing such pathetic tripe about something most Americans do which is to NOT mourn too long after a tragedy. The President can not be expected to become too emot...

Obama Never said He could have been Michael Brown

Robert P. Jones, writing for the Atlantic, displays his ignorance of the two black symbols of power in the United States called the President and the Attorney General. Jones stresses that the shooting of unarmed black Hoodlum Michael Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, Missouri, and the extreme disdain by the residents of Ferguson’s mostly black population, has catapulted the deep problems of race into the national spotlight. The incident has created a much larger dialogue, causing many Americans to question just how far racial equality and race relations have progressed, even though our nation has a black president and a black attorney general.  Robert never contemplates that Blacks are arrested and shot disproportionately, not because of the race card, but because they are inherently louder and more disruptive than most whites. White people are arrested at a lower rate than Blacks because they mind their own business and do not cause problems as frequently as Bl...

People who live in rent-stabilize Apartments should have fewer Privileges

Plenty of NYC citizens live in rent-stabilized apartments. The following snippet from an article written by Jennifer  Peltz details how some renters living in rent-stabilized apartments are mad that that they don't get the same benefits as market-rate renters. Nobody treats me like a second-class citizen in my own home," says Jean Green Dorsey, who filed a complaint with the city Human Rights Commission this spring over her Manhattan building's fitness center. She and fellow rent-stabilized tenants aren't allowed to enter it despite a willingness to pay a fee; market-rate renters use it gratis. First things first, Jean Green Dorsey is confused about the notion of home ownership. Jean you are a renter and you only have the opportunity to complain because you are paying lower rent due to tax payer dollars making up the difference in what the market-rate renters pay and you pay. You do not live in "my own home". You live in the landlords home, so ye...

Mad at Cop for breaking up sex in the back seat of Parked Car

The following account of naughty boys spitting in a police officer's drink comes to us from Lufkin,Texas in September of 2004. Brian Strban noticed that the officer that pulled up at the Sonic he worked at was the same officer who had caught Brian having hot sex with his girlfriend in a car at a secluded Lufkin park. This particular park was a common cruising area for people looking for random gay sex which apparently turned the young couple on. The couple, who was told to break it up and move along, were upset that the officer noticed the anonymous homosexual sex that was going on in hedges and did nothing. They felt singled out in an area where everybody was "doing it" which led to a festering rage that culminated in spitting in the police man's Coke. DNA analysis was done on the saliva to corroborate that it was the Sonic employee who spit in the drink.             Two young men could be charged with felony  after one of them    ...

It is a Woman's choice BUT

I hope you all had the opportunity and pleasure to read that excellent article by Tom Dart regarding the ever present abortion controversy is the great state of Texas.  Closing arguments took place on Wednesday in a federal lawsuit challenging new Texas abortion restrictions. If these restrictions are allowed to remain in effect, then only a very few of the state's abortion clinics will remain open forcing women in remote areas of the state to make long journeys in order to get an abortion.  I believe having laws that make it more difficult to get an abortion will make both the men and women think twice before having casual unprotected sex. We are all aware of the significant financial and emotional burden of raising a child. Life as a couple knows it comes to a screeching halt after having a kiddo. The romance can wane, arguments can flare up, and general marital discord is much more likely to occur when there is conflict on how to raise the children.  Final...

Corporate Abuse: Pharmaceuticals

Much of what follows is due to the assiduous fact uncovering efforts of Randy Kehler and his pamphlet titled Political Bribery in the United States. Kehler writes about an 80 year old woman named Nishi Martin who was employed as a nurse in DC for 35 years. At retirement she was afflicted with high blood pressure, diabetes, and bad cholesterol. He points out that Nisha and her husband, living on fixed income, spend circa $400 per month on prescription drugs which was close to one third of their limited income. Kehler also laments the fact that companies like Pfizer and Merck should be paying around 35% in federal income tax, but pay accountants to to drop that rate down to around 16%. These legal drug pushers also received 10 billion dollars in tax breaks due to their death grip on lawmakers including Republican Bill Thomas who received 93 thousand dollars in campaign contributions from the pharmaceutical industry! Thomas and his colleagues have fought hard to prevent Medicar...

Throw out lawsuit filed by Rapist's Children

Dennis  McGuire's grown up children filed a federal civil rights lawsuit claiming McGuire suffered needless pain and suffering during his execution. McGuire snorted and gasped many times during the half hour it took him to die in the Ohio execution. I wonder how many times McGuire's rape victim snorted, gasped, and writhed in pain after he stabbed her to death following a brutal rape? Anesthesiologist Dr. Kent Diveley certified that McGuire experienced true pain and suffering in the killing that certainly took longer than the executioners intended. I would be much more concerned if this had happened to a dog, cat, or horse during a trip to the veterinarian  than to this man who raped and slaughtered a pregnant woman. Ask Joy Stewart's (the rape victim) husband if he thinks the lawsuit by McGuire's adult children is justified. Joy Stewart was a happily married pregnant woman at the time of her violent rape and stabbing death. Not only should the lawsuit not ...

Not Again: A Black Teen being Shot by White Police Officers

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Huge Pickup Truck Blocking entrance to Thai Restaurant

Every time we are in Roswell,NM we stop off at Lemon Grass Thai food restaurant on South Main Street. Today sucked because a huge pickup truck was dangerously parked near the Main Street entrance parking lot of this excellent Asian scarfing establishment! The truck was a company vehicle owned by United Enterprise Builder's, Inc. which does work for Defense, Government and public interior contractors. As you can see the driver of the business vehicle was too lazy to properly park the truck leaving the tail gate portion jutting way out into the parking lot making it difficult for restaurant patrons to enter and dine at one of the finest eating establishments in Roswell. One car was almost rear ended due to having to slow down enough to get around the poorly parked truck. A police officer drove by and noticed, but did not take the time to stop and issue a much deserved parking citation.