The Clerk has your Gasoline Receipt

How many times on a cold or rainy day have you gotten the following message at the gas pump indicating you have to enter the convenience store in order to pick up your receipt for gasoline purchase?

The last thing anybody wants to see from a credit card purchase gas pump is a message stating that the clerk has the receipt! On this particular day, I was already late to pick up our daughter from day care and did not have time to walk into AllSups to pick up receipt from the convenience store attendant. Did I say CONVENIENCE store!?

I think many roadside convenience stores intentionally do not reload the receipt paper rolls in order to force customers into their establishment. Once inside, customer may buy a lottery ticket, cigarettes, beer, condom, etc. Many patrons need the gas receipts either to be reimbursed by their employer or for their IRS tax itemization. Gas stations doing this are in violation of some law. Not many of have the time to file a lawsuit against gas stations that force you into their business illicitly, but I don't patronize "convenience" stores that do not make my visit convenient!!


  1. Some state laws enforce this! If customer can show the store is intentionally not reloading the receipt paper in order to lure customers into to store to buy lottery ticket etc, then establisment can be fined up to $500 and a citation issued to appear in court!!


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