Free Air at Gas Stations Equals Customer Loyalty

With the usual brutal competition at the gas pumps in full swing, I had to mention an unlikely source of customer loyalty wondering if other readers shared my point of view. The picture that you see is a Free air compressor pump outlet for your vehicle tires at the Chevron Station across from the civic/convention center in Roswell, New Mexico. Don't be confused by the natural gas meter next to air hose nozzle, the hose pumps out safe air! I was so moved by this that I promised myself to use this gas station even if the price of Gas was cheaper at Sam's or Murhpy's Express! We were pissed off when we pulled into a Stripes convenience store parking lot and noted that you had to pay a dollar for air from a machine that was credit card ready. The free air hose was next to a gas pump that was affixed to automated car wash with a do not enter sign posted on the exit of the car wash. Sad that the sign is needed, but I guess late enough at night inebriated motorist might attemp...