Homeowner's Tree dangerously Blocking Stop Sign

As I far as I know code enforcement has contacted the female you see in the picture below regarding a huge front yard tree that is blocking a stop sign at a busy four way intersection. She would be in violation of laws dealing with obstructing traffic signs in any other city. She resides at 113 West Deming Zip code 88203 in Roswell New Mexico. You can see how dangerous her uncut and untrimmed huge tree is at the corner of South Richardson and Deming in the picture below. I am sure she has received a lot of stimulus money as well as unemployment payments from Uncle Sam so I know she has the cash to cover the costs of cutting the hazardous tree down to size!! I worked for code enforcement in Midland Texas and they would have warned this homeowner once and the then fined her for neglect and threatening the general welfare of the public. I was going to apply for job in Roswell, but will find another place to live if the city has people who care so little for their fellow citizen...