Lets hope ENDWI Awareness Campaign makes alcoholics think Twice!

The New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) aired the following commercial about the melancholy and abject misery induced by COVID isolation and, apparently, DWI isolation. The blue eyed prison inmate in the characteristic orange prison jump suit is crying to his wife over the phone through the glass in the visitation are. The guy has been convicted of, probably, his third DUI/DWI offense and wants everyone to feel sorry for him because he is isolated in the SLAMMER WHERE HE BELONGS!!! I am pretty sure the Awareness Campaign ENDWI is trying to pressure selfish alcoholics into NOT MAKING THE MISTAKE OF DRIVING INEBRIATED. Who could not have been moved by emotionally poignant piece written by Danielle Stratton over the tragic life ending injury sustained by her friend Endicott College student Craig Sampson III? All Drunk drivers who murder somebody with their vehicle should have their lives humanely ended by lethal injection. NO MORE OF THIS AFFLUENZA...