
Showing posts from September, 2014

Compression of morbidity

What could  Compression of morbidity possibly mean with respect to the American way of life? It has to do with the strong positive correlation between increases in lifespan and increases in disability and reliance on those motor scooters that the imfirmed depend upon in public places. Put another way, our health care system has not slowed down the aging process very much, but it has slowed the rate of dying.  So even though the natural goal of increased longevity has been attained, the United States has high volumes of weak, elderly, immobile, and sick people who would opt for suicide if they could find a way to do it. Who wins in this miserable state of affairs? Doctors, insurance companies, nursing homes, hospitals, assisted care, and any other medical professional who stands to benefit from unnaturally extending the life of somebody who would be better off dead.

Its Only fair to Garnish Paychecks to Collect Unpaid Bills

If you borrow money, shouldn't you have to pay it back? If you don't pay your debt, then hard working people who do pay their debt have to pay more when credit card companies raise their interest rates to cover for the scofflaws who did not pay their debt.  Kevin Evans did not pay his $7000 dollars in in credit card debt back in 2009. His 25-year career selling office furniture collapsed. He had to sell a nice home he could no longer afford,  He was pursued by debt collectors, but never paid a penny of his $7000 dollar debt. After years of on again, off again employment, Evans, 58, thought he'd finally recovered last year when he found a better-paying, full-time customer service job in Springfield, Mo. . To his immense dismay , his credit card lender, Capital One, had garnished his wages to the tune of 25% per paycheck. Capital One did this to collect on Evans' debt which had skyrocketed to $15000!  Creditors and collectors have pursued punch drunk cardholders and...

Three good reasons for pulling over this motorist who happened to be Black

The black man who was pulled over by the Fairfax County police cruiser has much more of a grievance against law enforcement than the family of Michael Brown. Mandrel Stuart was pulled over because his windows were tinted and he was viewing a video while speeding 75 mph down interstate 66. That is reason enough to pull anybody over irrespective of their ethnicity! He had a lot of cash on hand, so much that the cops confiscated it because they assumed it was drug money which a very natural assumption when a black man has over 17000 dollars in cash. The reason for the police stop: Stuart’s SUV had tinted windows and a video was playing in his sightline The officers found that he had a police record after they pulled him over.. He was never charged with a crime, and there was no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. But police took his money because they assumed it was related to the drug trade. So there were actually three pretty good reasons to pull this man over and doubt his inte...

Why should Seniors be Immune from paying back Student Debt?

RoseMary Anderson, of Watsonville, California borrowed $64,000 to pay for her education  in her 30s, as she worked toward her undergraduate and graduate degrees. She bought a house that she could not afford and accumulated massive credit card debt.  Due to her choice to lead a lifestyle that she could not afford, she hasn't been able to make a student loan payment in eight years. The amount she now owes has almost doubled to $126,000.  Anderson declares  "I find it very ironic that I incurred this debt as a way to improve my life, and yet I still sit here today because the debt has become my undoing,"  Let me rephrase this for the debtor, now 57. "I still sit here today because MY CHOICE to incur debt has made my life miserable". Anderson would prefer the government relieve her of all student loan debt and have hard working taxpayers pay her way through school. She should have to endure the worry of the federal government reducing her social securi...

The Anatomy of a Grocery Store Advertisement Typo

We love Guacamole and are always on the look out for good deals on the tasty and healthy Avocado fruit. Imagine our surprise when one of the grocery stores in Roswell, New Mexico place an advertisement in the Roswell Daily Record for five good sized Avocados for one dollar. That right, Farmers Market on North Main advertised 5 Large Avocados for the erroneous price of a single United States dollar! The mistaken ad brought in so many customers that Farmers Country Market management had to post the sign you see next to the Avocados noting the misprint in the RDR. We will never really know if the newspaper actually misprinted or if they were just printing whatever the grocery store staff sent them. In any event, many headaches could have been avoided if the marketing staff had been familiar with a basic proofreading precept which states have at least two different people double check the figures. It is easy to ascertain how the advertising error transpired. Five Large Avocados for...

Doctor Shortages in Small Town America

The newspaper scan you see is part of an announcement/advertisement in the local newspaper indicating the arrival of a much needed neurologist in Roswell,NM. Strokes and other neurological disorders such as Alzheimer's and Bell's Palsy are quite common in this small town in southeastern, New Mexico. Also liver disease/hepatitis, fatty liver, diabetes is prevalent due to high incidence of alcoholism. I am sure most of the community is excited about a new doctor coming to town, but we just wish it would be sooner! Dr. Mahsa Matloobi will be starting her practice of medicine sometime in October, but the advertisement you see was from an RDR published in early August. Physician shortages are so common in the Alien City that many have given up on establishing a long term relationship with a medical professional and just go to either Lubbock,TX or Albuquerque or maybe even El Paso,TX. Many young doctors come to Roswell because the Dairy Capital of the United States is designated as...

Compassion for the Mothers of the Beheaded

One has to have loads of empathy, sympathy, and compassion for  mother Shirley Sotloff as she despairingly has to listen to the words of her son's beheader:  I am back, Obama, and I am back due to your arrogant foreign policy toward our Islamic State even though we have warned you countless times. So just as United States missiles continue to strike our people, my knife will strike the necks of your people until you quit bombing our people. The murderer specifically mentioned the recent US airstrikes near the Mosul dam and the devastated Iraqi town of Amirli. I hope that the mother of Steven Sotloff understands that the group of people who killed her gentle son feel as strongly about killing an American as the American policy to kill those near to and served by the Mosul dam.  When any country starts killing citizens of another country, that country has the right to reciprocate by killing the attacking country's citizens. Unfortunately for all the heartbroke...