How could you smash my little bit of happiness

The content Japanese mother of two had just harshly denounced her husband, for screwing the housemaid, with "How could you smash my little bit of happiness?" She had been a loyal wife, dealing with her husband's frequent innocent interactions with attractive younger piano student women to earn his salary. Her handsome husband taught  horny ovulating factory worker students who wanted to give the husband a healthier child than the crippled girl he already had.

Virginia  Morell wrote about Male animals killing the offspring of other female animals so male could mate and push his DNA through to next generation. She called it reproductive success even if it involved slaughtering helpless baby animals. So, quite bluntly, a handicapped girl with crutches is NOT a reproductive success!
Korean film producer Cho sun hee seemed to believe that humans are just animals as the young maid wanted to kill/poison wife and children of the stunned attractive Japanese Piano teacher.  The overarching theme at end of movie was that aging men will always succumb to the fantasy of having rough sex with younger females. Ask Meryl Streep's character in movie August: Osage County. The sexual impulse gets stronger in males as they age to produce that one last strong progeny yielding ejaculation!!  A man's body is a life support system for his penis.

Various snippets follow:

1960 housemaid ,crippled daughter berates son made her breast s bigger than baby, piano teacher factory girls live in dorms  rat poison , falls down stairs to miscarry baby, cook for a concubine, third child a boy, kids call her a tramp, Chang-soon was 🤢 poisoned , wife gives husband to maid, maid can give him another son. Crippled kid target , sewing , ruined me so I will ruin you, drink rat poison together in last scene, god Will perform the wedding ceremony, wants to die with his real wife, you can take my body but not my soul, dies next to wife using foot pedal sewing machine.  She blames herself for having wanted a new house


Cho sun hee  producer, jang Kwang Heon

Kim young mi Odessa Texas MOJO 1976 Permian graduate


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