Three good reasons for pulling over this motorist who happened to be Black

The black man who was pulled over by the Fairfax County police cruiser has much more of a grievance against law enforcement than the family of Michael Brown.

Mandrel Stuart was pulled over because his windows were tinted and he was viewing a video while speeding 75 mph down interstate 66. That is reason enough to pull anybody over irrespective of their ethnicity! He had a lot of cash on hand, so much that the cops confiscated it because they assumed it was drug money which a very natural assumption when a black man has over 17000 dollars in cash.

The reason for the police stop: Stuart’s SUV had tinted windows and a video was playing in his sightline The officers found that he had a police record after they pulled him over.. He was never charged with a crime, and there was no evidence of criminal wrongdoing. But police took his money because they assumed it was related to the drug trade.

So there were actually three pretty good reasons to pull this man over and doubt his integrity.

  1. Driving a car with tinted windows
  2. Watching a video rather the road while driving at high rate of speed
  3. He had a police record


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