Its Only fair to Garnish Paychecks to Collect Unpaid Bills

If you borrow money, shouldn't you have to pay it back? If you don't pay your debt, then hard working people who do pay their debt have to pay more when credit card companies raise their interest rates to cover for the scofflaws who did not pay their debt.

 Kevin Evans did not pay his $7000 dollars in in credit card debt back in 2009. His 25-year career selling office furniture collapsed. He had to sell a nice home he could no longer afford,  He was pursued by debt collectors, but never paid a penny of his $7000 dollar debt.

After years of on again, off again employment, Evans, 58, thought he'd finally recovered last year when he found a better-paying, full-time customer service job in Springfield, Mo. . To his immense dismay , his credit card lender, Capital One, had garnished his wages to the tune of 25% per paycheck. Capital One did this to collect on Evans' debt which had skyrocketed to $15000!

 Creditors and collectors have pursued punch drunk cardholders and other debtors in court, getting judgments that allow them to seize up to one quarter of the debtor's earnings.

Over half of the states in the USA allow creditors to garnish wages from the debtor's paycheck.


  1. Lawyer Gary Lester effectively and convincingly argued that waiter's tip income should be garnishable!!! Tennessee newspaper man Ellis Smith reported that single abandoned wives could lose significant income if tipped income is held to be NOT subject to wage garnishment laws!!!!


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