Wizard of Oz Liens on Ones Home Equity

Dear Serhat Wizard of Oztop,

We are not in any debt out outside of our home mortgage, which does not really count since we can easily sell it in the affluent neighborhood we reside. So why did you send us the Chase Bank Debt Consolidation home equity loan snail mail solicitation?

I was just about to shred it, but could not resist composing this email because of that cool sounding Turkish name of yours. Were your Istanbul parents Judy Garland fans? We don't need to borrow any money for medical bills since we only give doctors whatever the insurance pays out. We had a doctor charge us $400 for a 15 minute office visit where the doctor missed a few things on the bloodwork report and seemed in a hurry. Insurance paid him $75. Do you really think we would borrow $325 from Chase to pay off such a ridiculously high rate?!

Also College Tuition will soon be free so no way on that loan also. We do our own home improvements with our 6 figure income, so would appreciate it if you quit hassling us with paper mail that takes 15 seconds to shred.

Best Regards

The Wicked Witch of the West


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