The notion of forgiveness as it relates to Liberal Mindset

 Was reading the often repeated quote "forgiveness is just another name for freedom" trying to credit the quote to some guy whose name I am not recalling at the moment. 

All I could think of was how could you forgive the RADICAL LEFT in the United States? Those weak minded bleeding hearts believe nonsense like:

  1. Mankind has changed the climate irreparably
  2. Won't acknowledge possibility election was rigged to elect a guy who should be in a nursing home
  3.  Rodney King is martyr when he was really a convicted felon who spent 3 years incarcerated and was frequently in trouble with the law.
  4. Defund police which would last as long as it would take for one of the daughters to get gang-raped in broad daylight 
  5. And all the stuff Clive Palmer says about numskulls down under. 
So, NO I don't forgive liberal minded folks in the Biblical sense or in the way Byron Katie intended since conservative minds constantly have to deal with Karens and other messes created by their mindless actions.


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