Meaning of BCBS claim status "not paid"


Does anybody know what  "bcbs status" "not paid" means?  We logged into the Blue Cross Blue Shield Texas Claims center to see if we had been paid for an international claim. 

Under the Claim Detail Section along with our Group Number and ID number, we got what appears to be some bad news rejecting the claim. However when we reviewed the FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) "not paid" means something more like "in progress" or processing. 

Has anybody else had a similar experience they could share?  We spent almost $2500 out of pocket in Thailand for stress test, chest xrays, eye, ear exams, prostate antigen screening test, bloodwork and a value added consultation with a cardiologist. We heard that BCBS is great about honoring medical care claims in foreign countries!!  Fingers Crossed  BTW $2500 out of pocket in Bangkok must less expensive than the train wreck called health care in United States of America.


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